Borrell’s (deleted) tweet after the sanctions against Russia-

by time news
Of Francesca Basso

Josep Borrell, “Foreign Minister” of the European Union, yesterday made a series of 4 tweets announcing the sanctions against Russia for the crisis in Ukraine. One of them was later canceled

BRUSSELS – It sparked reactions as soon as it was published – and even after it was canceled.

The tweet of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Spanish Josep Borrellit became a small case.

On Tuesday evening, Borrell posted four tweets to present the sanctions decided by the foreign ministers of the 27 EU countries “to respond robustly to Russia’s illegal action against Ukraine”.

The first three were the list of measures decided, communicated in the dry tone of diplomacy.

The last tweet instead had a completely different, very ironic register: “No more shopping in Milan, parties in Saint Tropez, diamonds in Antwerp. This is the first step. We are united”.

The reference is to the Russian oligarchs hit by sanctions. Certainly effective but not very suitable.

The tweet, with an unusual tone for the type of communication normally adopted by the High Representative’s account, has been removed but it is still possible to see it in the reply and comment tweets that have attached it with a screenshot.

During the press conference at the end of the Foreign Affairs Council that gave the political go-ahead to the sanctions package, Borrell had explained that “It is clear that the sanctions do not have miraculous effects, they hurt and cost” but “I’m not like a red light”.

Borrell added that the EU has «preferred to retain some deterrence capabilities to respond to new actions by Russia and we are very afraid that there will be. There is an arsenal, we have to follow the events ».

February 23, 2022 (change February 23, 2022 | 10:50 am)

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