INDH in Safi: Dar Al Oumouma in Bougdra, an integrated structure serving the promotion of maternal and child health

by times news cr

2024-07-11 15:45:57

This growing interest in maternal and child health has been translated into action by the implementation of a significant number of projects, including the promotion of reproductive health, the acquisition of equipped ambulances, and the construction and equipment of Dour Al Wilada (birthing centers) or Dour Al Oumouma (Maternity Centers) in rural areas, as is the case of Dar Al Oumouma in the commune of Bougdra.

It is a genuine integrated health structure which, since its inception in January 2023, has continued to play a major role in the fight against maternal and infant mortality, the promotion of maternal and child health, through awareness-raising and awareness-raising campaigns and the presentation of practical advice to beneficiaries, or the popularization of the culture of childbirth in a supervised environment.

Registered within the framework of the INDH’s “Impulsion of Human Capital of Rising Generations” program and the “Catching up on deficits in infrastructure and basic services in under-equipped territories” program for construction, this project concerns the “Maternal and Child Health” axis.

Scheduled for the period 2020-2022, Dar Al Oumouma in Bougdra required the mobilization of a global budget envelope of 1.30 million DH provided in full by the Initiative, including 0.9 million DH allocated to the realization of technical and architectural studies, construction and equipment works, and 0.4 million DH for the acquisition of an equipped ambulance and support for the management subsidy.

The Provincial Directorate of Health and Social Protection was responsible for providing Dar Al Oumouma in Bougdra with medical and paramedical staff, as well as the necessary medicines and medical equipment, and for providing support and supervision to the members of the Association managing this health structure.

For its part, the municipality of Bougdra took charge of providing the land base necessary for the construction of this project, as well as the costs of connecting it to the water and electricity networks.

Equipped with an equipped ambulance acquired by the INDH, this structure, managed by the Association for the Protection of Mothers and Children, includes several outbuildings including a medical diagnostic room, an accommodation area, a reception area, a kitchen, a refectory, a dormitory, as well as administrative outbuildings.

Approached by MAP, Abderrahim Habbaba, Head of the Social Action Division (DAS) at the prefecture of the province of Safi, said that the construction and equipment of Dar Al Oumouma in Bougdra, alongside the Health Center of this commune, is part of the creation of social protection establishments capable of welcoming and providing accommodation for pregnant women.

This health structure welcomes pregnant women in excellent conditions, ensuring their accommodation and catering, in addition to their support both before and after childbirth, he explained, noting that particular interest is also given to awareness and sensitization in order to ensure better monitoring of childbirth.

In addition to this project, the total cost of which amounts to 1.30 million DH, fully financed by the Initiative, there are several other projects and initiatives aimed at raising human development indicators, the equipment of Dour Al Wilada (birthing centers) and health centers, the creation of Dour Al Oumouma (maternity homes), as well as the acquisition of 32 ambulances for the benefit of local municipalities, in addition to 3 mobile medical units and a vaccine transport unit, Mr. Habbaba said.

On another note, he noted that civil society, thanks to the financial subsidies allocated to it, contributes to this dynamic of development in this area, through Dour Al Oumouma, stating that the ultimate goal of these projects concerning community health is to reduce the mortality rate of pregnant women during childbirth, and the encouragement of childbirth in a supervised environment to protect the health of the mother and the newborn.

The president of the Association for the Protection of Mothers and Children, manager of Dar Al Oumouma in Bougdra, Nora Benssafi, indicated in a similar statement that this health structure offers several services for pregnant women both before and after childbirth, including free accommodation, noting that the objective is to contribute effectively to efforts aimed at reducing the mortality rate of mothers of newborns.

She also highlighted the tireless efforts made by provincial and local authorities, as well as by the various services concerned, in application of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to permanently improve human development indicators, and adopt all initiatives likely to bring together social and health services, particularly for women, in rural areas.

2024-07-11 15:45:57

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