Finalize another year of ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’

by time news

2024-07-11 11:32:09

WP_Post Object (
[ID] => 127102
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2024-07-11 13:32:09
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-11 11:32:09
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=””]On the 2nd of July, the Parque Porta de Entrimo, in Galicia, hosted the closing act of the program ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’, coordinated by Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia. This project, born in July 2023, meets the needs of mental health in our rural areas. With this initiative, possible thanks to the collaboration of Fundación ‘la Caixa’, it provides support and attention to people who reside in rural areas of the province. At the event, which started at 11:30, nearly three hundred people attended, including users and users of the program, their families, as well as representatives and social workers from the councils en los que se desarrolla el programa, representatives of Fundación ‘la Caixa’ and trabajadoras y trabajadoras de Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia.

An attention and awareness program
José Ramón Girón, president of Mental Health FEAFES Galicia, dio inicio al acto agradeciendo la participation de todas las personas asistentes. He affirmed that, with ‘Senda pola Mental Saúde’, we can provide resources and support to people with mental health problems who reside in the most rural areas of Galicia. “Vivir en núcleos de población aislados y de difícil acceso les genera dificultados en su day a día. Se pueden ver solas, desatendidas, y esto puede agravar su situación”, Girón explained.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”127121″ img_size=”full” css=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””]Luego le cedió su palabra a Ramón Alonso López, alcalde de Entrimo, quien agradeció la existence de este tipo de proyectos que, además de acercar recurso que den visibility y attention a la salud mental, ayuden a eliminar los stigmas que veces sufren estas personas. Partly, Teresa Barge DapíaCouncilor of Igualdade and Social Integration of Celanova, pointed out that the program allows people with mental health problems and their families to feel less alone. “Poder llamar por telefono y que alguien te responde y te dé información, te ayude y te acompañe, genera mucha tranquilidad”, Consider Barge Dapía.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”127122″ img_size=”full” css=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=””]
Mesa redonda
El pointo central del acto consistió en una mesa redonda en la que particiaron Felix Alonsotécnico del programa; Débora Taboas Garcíatrabajadora social del Centro de Saúde de Celanova; María Felisa Lópezparticipant of the program; José Yáñez, padre de una usuaria del programa; y Susan Santos, gestora de Acción Territorial de Fundación ‘la Caixa’. Félix Alonso recalled that, during the second year of the program, 25 people and 13 families were served. “Fue un apoyo individualizado, que incluyó asesoración en diferentes materias, acciones formatives y que se hizo en coordination con los distintos sociales servicios en el territorio”, described Alonso. Débora Taboas García, en tanto, remarked on the need to have programs like this in rural areas: “In cities, like Vigo, you have options of associations, centers, resources… But in rural areas there is nothing. Las personas con problemas de salud mental no recibían información ni el apoyo necesario”.

A su turno, María Felisa López said that, before participating in the program, she had no communication with any mental health professional, she did not receive follow-up support. “Desde que estoy aquí, mi situación mejoró mucho; and I have doubts, I have difficulties and I need advice, I have someone who cares for me”valoró.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””]On the other hand, José Yáñez spoke from the perspective of families and explained that, knowing that you can contact someone who resolves the doubts that you may have as a relative of a person with mental health problems, gives you peace of mind and security that you did not have before. he had Finally, Susan Santos closed the act recognizing the work of Mental Health FEAFES Galicia and its team of professionals. También habló de la importance del trabajo en red entre la entity, los concellos y las colaboradoras, como Fundación ‘la Caixa’. “Sin este trabajo en collaboración, no sería posible llegar a todas estas personas. We expect to follow muchos años desarrollando este proyecto tan necessario”, he expresó.

A community
From Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia, it was detecting a great limitation of access to services and attention to people with mental health problems who live in more rural areas. De cara a cambiar esta realidad, se dio origen a ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’. During the second year of the project, it was possible to expand the area of ​​action in the districts of Baixa Limia and Terra de Celanova. There was also a movement towards Pobra de Trives and Viana do Bolo. With the program ‘Senda pola Mental Saúde’, it has advanced in the objective of bringing resources and services to people who live in isolated population centers, offering them individualized attention and defending the effective use of rights, both of the participating people as de sus familias y personas allegadas. Likewise, the initiative facilitates the involvement of users and users with their environment, improving inclusive, positive and active bonding in the community.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” css=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_btn title=”VOLVER A NOTICIAS” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_1=”#ffffff” gradient_custom_color_2=”#ffffff” gradient_text_color=”#005b50″ shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-circle-left” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => Finalize another year of ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’
[post_excerpt] => The project, coordinated by Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia and realized in collaboration with Fundación ‘la Caixa’, celebrated its closing act in Entrimo, Galicia.
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Finalize another year of ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’

The project, coordinated by Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia and realized in collaboration with Fundación ‘la Caixa’, celebrated its closing act in Entrimo, Galicia.

On the 2nd of July, the Parque Porta de Entrimo, in Galicia, hosted the closing act of the program ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’, coordinated by Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia. This project, born in July 2023, meets the needs of mental health in our rural areas. With this initiative, possible thanks to the collaboration of Fundación ‘la Caixa’, it provides support and attention to people who reside in rural areas of the province.

At the event, which started at 11:30, nearly three hundred people attended, including users and users of the program, their families, as well as representatives and social workers from the councils en los que se desarrolla el programa, representatives of Fundación ‘la Caixa’ and trabajadoras y trabajadoras de Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia.

An attention and awareness program

José Ramón Girón, president of Mental Health FEAFES Galicia, dio inicio al acto agradeciendo la participation de todas las personas asistentes. He affirmed that, with ‘Senda pola Mental Saúde’, we can provide resources and support to people with mental health problems who reside in the most rural areas of Galicia. “Vivir en núcleos de población aislados y de difícil acceso les genera dificultados en su day a día. Se pueden ver solas, desatendidas, y esto puede agravar su situación”, Girón explained.

Luego le cedió su palabra a Ramón Alonso Lópezalcalde de Entrimo, quien agradeció la existence de este tipo de proyectos que, además de acercar recurso que den visibility y attention a la salud mental, ayuden a eliminar los stigmas que veces sufren estas personas.

Partly, Teresa Barge DapíaCouncilor of Igualdade and Social Integration of Celanova, pointed out that the program allows people with mental health problems and their families to feel less alone. “Poder llamar por telefono y que alguien te responde y te dé información, te ayude y te acompañe, genera mucha tranquilidad”, Consider Barge Dapía.

Mesa redonda

El pointo central del acto consistió en una mesa redonda en la que particiaron Felix Alonsotécnico del programa; Débora Taboas Garcíatrabajadora social del Centro de Saúde de Celanova; María Felisa Lópezparticipant of the program; José Yáñez, padre de una usuaria del programa; y Susan Santosgestora de Acción Territorial de Fundación ‘la Caixa’.

Félix Alonso recalled that, during the second year of the program, 25 people and 13 families were served. “Fue un apoyo individualizado, que incluyó asesoración en diferentes materias, acciones formatives y que se hizo en coordination con los distintos sociales servicios en el territorio”, described Alonso.

Débora Taboas García, en tanto, remarked on the need to have programs like this in rural areas: “In cities, like Vigo, you have options of associations, centers, resources… But in rural areas there is nothing. Las personas con problemas de salud mental no recibían información ni el apoyo necesario”.

A su turno, María Felisa López said that, before participating in the program, she had no communication with any mental health professional, she did not receive follow-up support. “Desde que estoy aquí, mi situación mejoró mucho; and I have doubts, I have difficulties and I need advice, I have someone who cares for me”valoró.

On the other hand, José Yáñez spoke from the perspective of families and explained that, knowing that you can contact someone who resolves the doubts that you may have as a relative of a person with mental health problems, gives you peace of mind and security that you did not have before. he had

Finally, Susan Santos closed the act recognizing the work of Mental Health FEAFES Galicia and its team of professionals. También habló de la importance del trabajo en red entre la entity, los concellos y las colaboradoras, como Fundación ‘la Caixa’. “Sin este trabajo en collaboración, no sería posible llegar a todas estas personas. We expect to follow muchos años desarrollando este proyecto tan necessario”, he expresó.

A community

From Saúde Mental FEAFES Galicia, it was detecting a great limitation of access to services and attention to people with mental health problems who live in more rural areas. De cara a cambiar esta realidad, se dio origen a ‘Senda pola Saúde Mental’.

During the second year of the project, it was possible to expand the area of ​​action in the districts of Baixa Limia and Terra de Celanova. There was also a movement towards Pobra de Trives and Viana do Bolo.

With the program ‘Senda pola Mental Saúde’, it has advanced in the objective of bringing resources and services to people who live in isolated population centers, offering them individualized attention and defending the effective use of rights, both of the participating people and de sus familias y personas allegadas. Likewise, the initiative facilitates the involvement of users and users with their environment, improving inclusive, positive and active bonding in the community.

#Finalize #year #Senda #pola #Saúde #Mental

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