2024-07-10 08:00:46
By Ana Torres-Agulló (CSIC) *
Inside 2018, ‘microplastic’ was chosen as word of the year by the Spanish Foundation Foundation and, since then, its popularity has not stopped growing. The RAE, which officially accepts the term by the end of 2022, defines ‘microplastic’ as “a very small piece of plastic, produced as such or resulting from the breakdown of larger plastics, which is not released in water and very careless.” In science, Microplastics include plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size.which is correct, approximate, grain size of rice.
Today, most of us are familiar with this word, because unfortunately we see it microplastics in everything around us: ocean, soil, food, drinks and even the air we breathe. Their large presence in our environment makes them one of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century, but… Where do most microplastics come from?
Plastic that degrades, detergents or paint
Them Plastic production has increased by 212% in the last 70 years, up to 360 million tons per year. One of the first sources of microplasticsand perhaps the best know, are those degradation of large plastics that is gathered around. Abrasion, sunlight and other forms of erosion ‘manufacture’ microplastics from large plastics.
But, if the degradation of millions of plastics is not enough, there is another important source of this small pollution: Directly manufactured plastics are in this microsize range. This category includes microplastics that we consume regularly, although perhaps not consciously, in our daily lives: exfoliating gels, facial cleansers, cosmetics she In the productsamong other things.
A paradoxical example of this type of waste is the yes which, with its clear and bright appearance, we commonly associate with parties, parties and fun. However, it is microplastic that is very polluting due to its small size and wide use, so European Union its use and production is prohibited.
Eat a credit card every week
The abundance of microplastics around us means that we are constantly exposed to them and, as a result, they can affect our health. And it still is that has been found in most compartments of Our bodyLike those lungthem bleedthem urine and until birth place.
The dimensions we see are variable, but, for example, according to a report mandated in 2019 by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), if we consider only microplastics consumed through food and drink… we can collect The equivalent of a credit card every week. And all this without considering other routes of entry into the body such as inhalation or dermal contact.
More research, more strategy
To know them The effects of microplastics on our bodies yet more research is needed, but everything indicates that they are directly related to carcinogenic effects and inflammatory processes. Although the results on the toxicity of microplastics are still inconclusive, the risk to human health of plastic additives or heavy metals embedded in the body with microplastics. Today, more than 13,000 chemical compounds are used as plastic additives. Some of the best known are phthalates, which can be quite severe 40% of the total weight of some polymers such as PVC. It has been shown that a family of compounds, often used as plasticizers and flame retardants in used plastics, can, in addition to effect of pathologies such as diabetes or obesity, is related to respiratory, circulatory and vascular diseases or affects the reproductive system.
The problem of microplastics has only begun and, continuing with current plastic production trends, will increase in the coming years. The European Commission is working on its regulation and restriction of use. Will they be able to prevent us from becoming a part of Barbieland?
*Ana Torres-Agulló He is a predoctoral researcher at the Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA) of CSIC.
#biggest #environmental #problems #21st #century