Trikala: A cause for concern for the residents locust attack [εικόνες]

by time news

Trizoniain unprecedented numbers accordingly residentsafter their appearance i Trikala and in the villages of the plain in the last few days, which is cause for serious concern about any diseases that may be carried by the flying insects.

Specifically, as the website describes trikalaola.graccording to relevant reports, grasshoppers are seen mainly at night when there is strong lighting, and on the roads there is a lot of trampling by passing cars.

According to the website, no one can remember seeing such a large number of grasshoppers before. The flying insects land mostly in cracks in the ground, and residents do not dare to open windows as they immediately invade the houses.

It should be noted that people want to be sprayed in the places where there is a greater concentration of these insects, because they are afraid of any diseases or epidemics that they may carry.

It should be remembered that there is no information for the mountain villages about the presence of a large number of trizons. In the Trikala Regional Unit, which is aware of the problem, it has not been decided whether there is the possibility of spraying or in another way to remove the annoying insects.

Trikala: A cause for concern for the residents locust attack [εικόνες]

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Trikala: A cause for concern for the residents locust attack [εικόνες] - picture 3

Invasion of flying cockroaches in Larissa – The reason for their increased population

We will remind you that the phenomenon of cockroaches was strongly recorded in Larissa in the first period of this summer, as has happened in the past two summers.

According to the experts, their population is large and this is due to the fact that there was no hard winter before. But this phenomenon was strengthened even more this year by the fact that the floods were also recorded a few months ago.

The main feature of the story is that cockroaches are seen in different parts of the city, being a species with wings allows them to move faster.

At the same time, however, DEVAL continues to spray in places with grates immediately after the citizens’ announcements. However, in order to have a significant result, there should be a combination of actions by DEVAL and the citizens with house spraying.

As the newspaper “Eleftheria” reports, the cockroaches in question are the Perilaneta americana species and, according to data, they are found in rather specialized sites and are the most common cockroach species found in our country. The American cockroach prefers humidity and heat, and avoids cold climates even for a few months of the year. THE American cock it is the largest species found in the western world. Its average size is 4 cm and 7 mm high. Their color is red-brown and they have a distinctive yellow feature at the point behind the head. It is extremely agile, as it can move at a speed of up to 5.4 km/h. It is considered one of the fastest insects in the world. The American cockroach in adulthood develops fully formed wings and can even fly, as mentioned on specialized sites.

“A few years ago the phenomenon of these cockroaches was found mainly in the center of Larissa. But now the problem is generalized. In every area we see the specific cockroaches that move easily because of their wings,” notes the agronomist Giorgos Statiris .

Regarding the way such a situation is resolved, he explains that “there should be a combination of DEVAL spraying activity with the action of citizens, through companies. But, again, there should also be an agreement between neighbors, as if that they do sprays at the same time, some together, then the effect will be even greater.”

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