On Monday, July 15, 2024, at 08:00, the electronic submission of beneficiary and provider applications for the program begins social tourism of the Public Employment Service (DYPA), which is addressed exclusively to retired freelancers (t. OAEE).

The deadline for applications is Saturday 20 July 2024 at 23:59.

The beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of the program are pensioners of the e-EFKA – former OAEE who have an obligation to pay a corresponding contribution, amounting to 1 euro, for the specific benefit (par. 5 of art. 69 of law 3863/2010).

The applications of the interested beneficiaries will be submitted exclusively online, through the Single Digital Portal of the Greek Government gov.gr, at the online address: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ergasia-kai-asphalise/apozemioseis-kai-parokhes/ programmata-koinonikou-tourismou-gia-suntaxioukhous-eephka-proen-oaee.

Specifically, the route is:

  • Home
  • Work and insurance
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Social tourism programs for e-EFKA retirees (former OAEE).

The program concerns 25,000 checks and the total budget amounts to 3 million euros.

According to the relevant announcement, the selection of the beneficiaries is based on the scoring of specific criteria (disabled, single parent, number of children, income, first time participating in the program), in an objective and transparent manner, through the Integrated Information System (IPS) of DYPA.

Providers of the program are tourist accommodation and ferry companies, as defined in the Public Invitation.

The providers

From this year, social tourism providers from the previous year will automatically be included in the register of providers, as long as they update their participation documents, while providers who have joined the social tourism program 2024-2025 need only submit a simple application.

The applications of the interested providers will be submitted exclusively online, through the Single Digital Portal of the Greek Government gov.gr, at the online address: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ergasia-kai-asphalise/apozemioseis-kai-parokhes/ parokhoi-koinonikou-tourismou-gia-suntaxioukhous-eephka-proen-oaee.

The route is:

  • Home
  • Work and insurance
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Providers of social tourism for pensioners e EFKA (formerly OAEE).

The check, with which the participation process is carried out, is a unique number for each beneficiary and each beneficiary separately.

Where more nights can be accommodated

Beneficiaries-beneficiaries can spend up to six nights in a tourist accommodation they choose from the “Register of Providers” of DYPA, after consultation with the provider, with a small private participation.

In particular, in Leros, Lesvos, Chios, Kos and Samos, up to 10 nights can be spent free of charge (zero private participation), while in the Municipalities of Istiaea-Edipsos and Mantoudi-Limni-Ag. Anna of N. Evia, in Evros and, for the first time, in Thessaly, outside the Sporades, up to 12 nights can be spent free of charge.

Subsidized prices remain increased by 20% for the peak month of August, with a corresponding subsidy of 20% for the Christmas (from 15/12/2024 to 14/01/2025) and Easter (from 11/04/2025) periods until 27/04/2025).

The increased subsidy is valid for the whole year for the accommodation in N. Evia, Evros and Thessaly, except for the Sporades.

In addition to accommodation in tourist accommodation, ferry tickets are also subsidized.

The participation of the beneficiaries amounts to 25%.

For Persons with Disabilities, ferry tickets are available free of charge.

For more information, interested parties can visit the address

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