Investigating Judge’s Brother David Sanchez Perez-Castejon: Uncovering Controversies and Allegations of Wrongdoing

by time news

investigating the judge’s brother Pedro Sanchez Immerses oneself in studying the angles of appointment, work, mission and appearance David Sanchez Perez-Castejon In the Provincial Council of Bajadoz by the hand of Central Operational Unit of the UCO Civil Guard.The agents have raised doubts about the contractual relationship and its derivatives and the magistrate has not only made room for them by agreeing to new actions to nurture the case, but has also supported what the investigators do not see clearly.

Beatriz Biedma Highlighting elements that do not fit in the communications is what served to open the door from the Badajoz Provincial Council to the UCO last Wednesday, when agents carried out an exhaustive search looking for contracts and corporate communications between those who selected the brother of the President of the Government to be appointed to a position for which several other professionals had applied.

The instructor has warned that there is something that does not fit and, for this reason, he has validated the specialized unit of the armed institution to intervene and study the emails of senior officials of the Provincial Council, including David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón and its president. Miguel Angel GallardoWhich is also being investigated. His order is a response to a document sent by the Badajoz Provincial Council about the details of Sánchez’s brother’s contract. A dossier that the UCO warned, and which it itself confirmed, did not delve into the details that investigators wanted to know.

The UCO emphasized the lack of information with which its agents had to work and the magistrate reiterated these findings of the agents: «At the time of issuing the required report it is not possible to detail what specific activities Mr. Sánchez Pérez-Castezón participated in, nor what exactly his work consisted of. That is, the researchers do not know what position and what exact function the brother of the President of the Government holds in the public body.


The trainer also talks about the “teleworking” of Sánchez’s brother and his job, as alleged by the Provincial Council. “It is shocking that senior management personnel do not have their own office for a year and a new location is set up the same month the complaint is filed,” he says. This is the conclusion reached after exposing the bases of the contract.

It establishes, it says in the order, “in particular” that it will provide its professional services on a regular basis in Badajoz, in the Plaza Virgen de la Soledad, with its headquarters at the Superior Conservatory of Music and that teleworking is not authorized. For this reason, the judicial body asked the Badajoz Provincial Council to clarify this point.

From April 2023 to April of this year, the Badajoz Provincial Council indicated, “it lacks a fixed authorized space” and in May 2024 it was located in a new office in the Plaza de España, which is the location it currently occupies.

Regarding the change in nomenclature of the position from Coordinator of Activities of Music Conservatories to Head of the Performing Arts Office, it indicates that, although it was initially stated that it was motivated by a need to focus the program. Youth Opera Given the importance acquired by this project, it was later pointed out that the modification was “not due to a change in the functions, but to their diversification”, so “in principle” it would not be necessary to call a new one for the position.

These extremes lead the magistrate to a conclusion in which the course of action to be followed can be appreciated: “All the highlighted data only confirm the existence of evidence of the commission of the crimes investigated, which at this initial stage of the process make it necessary to carry out additional investigative procedures on them.”

The court is waiting for documentation from the tax agency regarding David Sánchez. Last week they requested the income tax returns of the brother of the government president for the last five years. In addition, the judge also wants to know if David Sánchez was able to increase his assets “that are not a direct result of his income.”

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