2024-07-13 06:25:45
BOLZANO. Yet another scam against the elderly in Alto Adige. Yesterday (July 10) a patrol of the “Flying” Squad was urgently sent to Resia Street following a report to 112 for an 80-year-old woman from Bolzano who had just received a call on her mobile number from an unknown person who, pretending to be a Marshal of the Carabinierihe told her how his son had caused a very serious car accident to the detriment of an eight-year-old girl and that, to avoid ending up in prison, he had to compensate the victim’s family with 8,000 euros that he could give to a trusted person.
The unaware victim, always following the instructions of the interlocutor, delivered gold jewelry to a woman who showed up at her house shortly after, saying she was an employee of the Court of Bolzano. The criminal, after having received cash and gold jewellery for a value of over 10,000 eurosdisappeared without leaving a trace.
The investigators of the Bolzano Flying Squad They are now carrying out investigations with the aim of giving names and faces to those responsible.
The Police Headquarters, already involved in the information evenings organized by the Municipality of Bolzano in the campaign “Trust is good, but not for everyone”, invites citizens to pay maximum attention to this type of telephone requests, all aimed at delivering money for the most imaginative reasons, advising to always request the intervention of the Police by contacting the emergency number “112” or the State Police app “YOUPOL”.
2024-07-13 06:25:45