2024-07-13 14:46:31
Popular musician of West Bengal Lopamudra Mitra. His music has spread in Bangladesh. He has graced the country’s stage many times. Married to Jai Sarkar of Kolkata in personal life. The family life of this couple is almost two years old.
Lopamudra now says that he fell in love when he was about forty. But that love didn’t last. Basically, Lopamudra listens to the love story of a young audience while singing at a concert. And this singer tells the story behind her life on that stage.
Narrating the love story of her life, Lopamudra said, “I fell in love at a young age. That love didn’t last. Love with me is too strong to bear. I’m not exactly a loveable person. Intusintu, I love you – I don’t do these things very well. I say, ‘I love you’. In this way, if someone wants to love, you have to love or not live. However, when I am 38 years old; I fell in love then. It means that I have been scarred at a very old age.”
Lopamudra’s voice is full of many love-breakup-breakup songs. But he claimed that he was not romantic as a lover. Telling the story of love, Lopamudra begins to sing – ‘How many times do I break your mirror and look around / In my opinion, there is no one like you / How many times I sing your raw flame wet song / In my opinion, there is no one like you.’
In his personal life, Joy Sarkar got his hands on a big fortune at a young age. Lopa also fell in love with Joy’s playing, music-philosophy at a young age. Originally Joy Sarkar used to play guitar on stage with Lopa. From there the identity, love and fate of the two. The couple got married in 2001.