Proclaiming the God of Life: Reflections on Brotherhood, Peace, and Goodness

by time news

2024-07-13 21:44:41

Brothers, peace and goodness.

Illustration XV Ordinary Sunday B- Cerezo BarredoIn the summer too the Liturgy continues to enlighten us. Because it is a time for physical rest, not to neglect spiritual development. That’s why churches don’t close. And we continue to walk with Jesus, to follow him, like the Apostles. Although we are in the summer, it is worth remembering some things related to our Christian life and our following of Jesus. The message is being sent today. And, let’s not forget, the Word always refers to our lives.

The atmosphere in the time of the prophet Amos was not very pleasant. In this prophetic book, we see a rather pessimistic picture of the situation in Israel. Under the appearance of piety, the truth is that people are far from God. The Lord is sending a warning, and you have not returned to me, says the Lord. (Time 4:11)

Poor Amos was no prophet. He was a fig grower, who received the call in the middle of his activities. And we saw last week that his task was not easy, because they paid little attention to him. But it has not ceased to be a sign, to remind us that God never abandons his faithful, even if they abandon him.

Also today the environment is not very favorable. It is not “fashionable” to talk about God, profess a faith, or even wear a religious badge. And, today too, there are many “prophets”, simple people, who continue to say what is right and what is wrong, and carry the announcement of the Kingdom throughout the world.

Paul remembers it, in another way: “He predestined us in the person of Christ, of his own accord, to be his children.” It is the Letter to the Ephesians, which will be with us for almost two months. We are God’s children, and he is always on our side. That is God’s great project for the human family: that we will be a great family of God’s children; Let us act among ourselves as brothers, not as strangers. He who called us is faithful, and will not let us down.

For us, it is important to remember this, because Jesus chose us too, in a special way. He treats each one of us in a very specific and special way, He knows what goes through our heads and hearts, and He also understands what we have. That is why he calls us, chooses us and gives us a task. We have a whole life ahead of us, to develop it and achieve happiness.

When we find out what God wants from us, comes the second part: fulfilling it. Christ sends us, that we may fulfill his will. We are not where I am by pure chance. Chance is God’s way through our lives. Thinking about the fact that Jesus himself wants us to be there, to do what we do, allows us to see everything in a different way. Our mission is not our thing, it is God’s thing. “It is done to me according to your word”, as the motto of life.

We are chosen by God and sent by him, just like Jesus was. We are another Jesus in the middle of our world. We are called to proclaim His Good News with our way of life. There will certainly be difficulties, we refuse. We may have to say things that don’t go down well, to deny attitudes, injustices. Maybe it will happen to us like the prophet Amos and they will say to us: “Go home and preach there and mind your own business.” Amos, who was a shepherd of sheep, answered: “The Lord took me out of the flock and said to me, Go and prophesy to my people Israel.” And that’s what he did. And that is what we have to do as well.

Jesus’ disciples went on their mission without much baggage. It is not about influencing the methods used, or the strength or power of the people they preach, but about the message they try to convey: the Kingdom of God is already among us, and the disciples will be , witnesses of its growth, among us. act with the power of Christ himself. As the Baptist did, they appeal to everyone’s conscience, so that everyone turns, abandons what separates them from God, and opens his eyes to his Light. This announcement is made through weak people, like us, but supported by the divine call.

It is a difficult task, because it is about “recommendation,” not “imposition.” Each of them has each, and many give up the possibility of change. The song said: “leave me alone, I don’t want to save myself, I’m not that bad in hell.” Many still think so. But it is up to us to announce the message to them, so that they at least have a chance to change.

Every time we pray the “Our Father,” every time we celebrate the Eucharist, we are remembering that we are all brothers. God himself prepares the table for us, shares his Word and gives us the gifts we give him. And, at the end (“Ite, Missa est”) he makes us his witnesses. Let us never forget that we are Christians twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Not only during the time that the Eucharist lasts. Even in the summer.

We must all continue to leave signs, signs of the Kingdom of God. Not everyone is given the power to cast out demons and heal the sick, but we can all help those close to us to overcome their fears, to free themselves from superstitions and false images of God, to their faith spend more cheaply. And we can all attend to the sick, be with them, listen to them and give them a little comfort. So we will be witnesses, servants of life. So that the world around us will be a little better.

We proclaim the God of life, the God of love, who loves life and does not hate anything he has created, as the old book of Wisdom reminds us. We must proclaim it with our words; We must proclaim it above all with our way of life.

Your brother in the faith,
Alejandro Carbajo, CMF

#Commentary #Sunday #Gospel #July

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