Essential Nutrients to Preserve Health After 50: What to Watch Out for and What to Boost

by time news

2024-07-14 08:00:00

As we age, it becomes vital to pay attention to our diet and the nutrients we consume. After age 50, certain common food supplements can be harmful to your health if taken in excess. Fortunately, other essential nutrients allow you to preserve your health and vitality.

Excess iron, the enemy of the liver after 50

Contrary to popular belief, iron supplementation is not always a good idea, especially after age 50. Our body has difficulty eliminating excess iron, which can damage the liver. “Too much iron in the body causes liver damage,” says the expert. In addition, excess iron can promote infections by “providing plenty of food for pathogens” if the immune system is weakened. The best way to cure excess iron is to donate blood. Women who are still menstruating naturally lose iron every month. In the case of proven anemia, natural sources such as red meat, liver or supplements based on grass-fed calf liver are preferred.

Be careful not to consume too much calcium after age 50

Another nutrient to eat in moderation: calcium. Many fifty-somethings take too much, which promotes calcification of the arteries and the formation of kidney stones. “Think of people who suffer from hypertension. However, vitamin D, which is essential for health, must be consumed in quantity. But beware of hypercalcemia, an excess of blood calcium, which can occur if vitamin DI is abused in case of autoimmune problems or inflammation, high doses of vitamin D3 are recommended.

Beware of synthetic vitamin A which can become toxic

If natural vitamin A is not a problem, its synthetic version should be avoided. When consumed regularly, it can cause liver damage, osteoporosis and headaches by increasing intracranial pressure. Natural sources such as cod liver oil, egg yolks and butter are therefore preferred. Contrary to popular belief, sodium is still essential after age 50, especially for energy. Here are the nutrients to eat more with age.

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Vitamin C: synthetic or natural, its benefits are after 50 years

However, synthetic ascorbic acid, which has long been criticized, has advantages. Taken in high doses, it helps reduce histamine in case of allergy attacks and may even help against cancer. Natural vitamin C from sauerkraut is also a great option.

Niacin (vitamin B3), essential after 50 despite its side effects

Another nutritional star for fifty something: vitamin B3 in the form of niacin. Despite the hot flashes it causes at the beginning, it is very beneficial at a dose of 500 to 1000 mg per day. It is one of the only nutrients that can increase good cholesterol. Niacin also helps repair DNA and provides energy.

Magnesium, a valuable anti-aging ally

To fight against calcification, there is nothing like magnesium. This mineral prevents calcium from accumulating in cells. It is excellent for regulating tension, relieving cramps, improving sleep and reducing cortisol.

Boost your vitamin D levels after 50

Most people do not have vitamin D. After age 50, it is recommended to take 10,000 IU per day, equivalent to 40 minutes of exposure to the sun. Nothing toxic at this dose, contrary to popular belief.

Vitamins K, little known health benefits for the elderly

Finally, do not forget vitamins K1 and K2 after 50 years. Contrary to some beliefs, vitamin K1, which is abundant in green vegetables, does not cause excessive clotting even in high doses. As for vitamin K2, it helps mobilize calcium in bones and supports mitochondria for more energy. Two good reasons to eat it after 50 years of age!

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