2024-07-14 11:18:28
Imaging proves that the brain reacts more strongly to a combination of stimuli
“The right person” is a special project of “24 hours” about professional success, career growth, personal development, workplace relations, about good practices of employers, about news from the HR sector and management, about the labor market and vacancies .
A study by scientists from seven renowned world universities shows that the voice is of great importance for a person’s attractiveness. In vain, great importance is attached only to appearance. Others perceive not only with their eyes, but also with another sense – the ears, to form an opinion and decide whether they like someone or not.
The voice provides information about the emotional state, physical strength, character traits, scientists have discovered. For example, cold egotistical people have a cooler and more distant timbre. Open and loving people have a warm voice that sounds joyful and lively. (Scientifically proven: You have a powerful influence by speaking in a lower voice.)
Imaging proves that the brain reacts more strongly to a combination of stimuli than visual or auditory separately. Therefore, an attractive face combined with a pleasant voice is rated higher.
You can try to look your best and play with your voice to attract your interlocutors. However, there is a third factor when communicating live, and it is more difficult to control.
You must note that the information that comes from the third sense, also determines the attitude towards you, the scientists emphasize. Whether you are likable or not depends on your smell.
Of course, it must be pleasant. The unpleasant repels everyone.
However, it is largely out of your control whether your natural body odor will appeal to the next person. This fragrance informs about your personality, including your character in general and whether you are prone to aggression at the moment.
Your interlocutor infers whether you are genetically compatible by smell, but this happens automatically and subconsciously. It occurs at a biochemical level and has evolved as an evolutionary advantage, so that people can protect themselves from enemies and find the most suitable breeding partner. These are primary instincts embedded in everyone in order to preserve and continue the human race.
It is quite possible that the natural aroma of your body does not attract, but repels your interlocutor. Just at first glance, it seems to you that you will change this by putting on a nice perfume. The combination of this smell and your natural one is more likely to be off-putting to the other person again.
Experiments have shown that humans have an innate knowledge of the biochemical process that attracts genetically compatible individuals through smell. Therefore, each person subconsciously strives to emphasize their natural aroma in order to facilitate the right breeding partner. When choosing a perfume, he likes exactly one that enhances his body odor.
There is another – it is a completely individual perception which fragrance is pleasant and which is not. Some people like roses, others can’t stand them. But even if you know that your boss likes musky notes, for example, it does not mean that he will like them in combination with your natural body odor and will be more inclined to raise your salary.
So always be careful not to smell bad, but don’t count too much that even the most expensive perfume can charm you.
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