The Impact of Vox’s Break-Up of Autonomous Governments in Valencia: What Lies Ahead for the Popular Party?

by time news

Valencia. The sudden break-up of the autonomous governments by the leader of Vox, Santiago AbascalLast Thursday, the roadmap for the five regional authorities that are now governed exclusively by the Popular Party was significantly amended Alberto Núñez Fiz Explained,

This is a matter of the presidency of the council Carlos Mazzonewhich forced an express remodeling of the Valencian government only 12 hours after the announcement made by the Vox leader. It remains to be seen if this new scenario will benefit some or harm others, but within the popular formation they are optimistic about their prospects in the theoretically three years of the legislature that they have ahead of them, believing that governing alone, even if they are a minority, will give them the opportunity to implement a political agenda with a more focused touch that will allow them to reach a greater number of voters.

Now, in Mazzone’s environment they are realists. Vox’s position, at least as expressed by Abascal, who spoke on Thursday of “withdrawing parliamentary support” to the PP, and as stated by the ombudsman in Les Corts, Jose Maria LlanosThose who did not commit to offering “any stability” point out that populist parties are going to deal with turbulent waters and, ultimately, will suffer in achieving their legislative initiatives.

The culmination of this will be when the time comes to implement the 2025 budget after the summer, specifically for its presentation in the month of October. The PP will want some guarantees that it will be able to approve the accounts and, various popular sources have already warned, they are not willing to make concessions beyond what is normal in political matters to Vox in relation to a formation for which the government is beginning to slam the door. Thus, the first feeling in Mazzone’s environment is that it is likely that the next budget may not be approved, given that if Vox breaks the regional authorities it is itself going to put itself on notice and put the PP in trouble. On the other hand, it also seems risky to think that the PSPV or Compromís could support Mazzone’s accounts, so Consell will have to face a budget extension.

A scenario that is not easy for any executive. The populars admit that, if they are faced with that situation, they will try to navigate the following year through credit amendments, a way of governing that invites impermanence, especially if there is no backup in the Chamber and the abuse of decree-laws is to be resorted to. In this sense, and although few leaders have spent two years without approving the accounts, as happened to him Isabel Diaz Ayuso The last legislature, in the Community of Madrid, did not have the desired formula that Mazón and his people had.

Thus, if at that time, after the summer of next year, the popular masses do not see a favorable environment to meet their accounts for a second consecutive year, Mazzone would consider pressing the political ‘nuclear button’ to hope for regional elections at the end of the year.

A scenario that is still a political fantasy, but that PPCV strategists are already considering, making predictive analyses of how things could play out with the signals emitted by Vox and the progressive forces of the PSPV and Compromis.

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