Mamikin announced in the international search /

by times news cr

2024-07-15 23:58:58

The decision was sent to the State Police to the International Cooperation Administration for placement in international cooperation information systems.

Given that Mamikin is unreachable, his criminal case is currently suspended.

Mamikin is still active in social networks. Over the weekend, he posted photos of sunsets and claimed that “he managed to visit his beloved Latvia for a couple of days.” He has not published any evidence of the truth of this statement.

The State Security Service (VDD) admitted to the LETA agency that the service checked the information after Mamikin’s entry and found that he had not entered Latvia. According to the VDD, Mamikin published such a post for provocative purposes.

It has already been reported that in the second half of June, the prosecutor’s office decided to initiate criminal prosecution against Mamikin, who fled to Russia.

The criminal process against him was started by the State Security Service (VDD) on September 29, 2023, in accordance with Article 74.1 of the Criminal Law on the justification of genocide, crime against humanity, crime against peace and war crime, after evaluating Mamikin’s statements in the broadcasts of several Russian television channels loyal to the Kremlin, as well as social on networking sites.

In the “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” program of the Russian TV channel “Rossia 1” on September 21 of last year, Mamikin expressed that Russia “does a mighty, holy work in Ukraine”.

The most severe punishment provided for in the criminal law for such a crime is imprisonment for a period of up to five years.

Mamikin, a former politician and pro-Kremlin activist, fled to Russia and told Kremlin propaganda media that he did so so his “sons would not have to participate in gay parades.”

Amendments to the Citizenship Law adopted by the Saeima in April 2022 provide for the deprivation of Latvian citizenship for a person who has provided significant financial, material, propaganda, technological or other support to countries or persons who have committed acts, including genocide, crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, a war crime that undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of democratic countries or the constitutional system, or if the person himself has participated in the performance of such actions and in case of deprivation of Latvian citizenship, this person does not become stateless.

According to the information available in the archive of the LETA agency, Mamikins was born in 1976, obtained a master’s degree in philology from the University of Latvia and worked in journalism for several years.

In 2014, he ran in the EP elections from the list of the social democratic party “Saskaņa” and was elected. On the other hand, in the 2018 Saeima elections, he ran from the list of the Russian Union of Latvia, but did not enter the parliament.

In 2021, Mamikin started working at the State Labor Inspectorate as the head of strategic communication, however, the job was terminated during the inspection.

2024-07-15 23:58:58

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