2024-07-16 18:47:40
A new version of the official Telegram client has appeared in digital distribution stores. The messenger has received several new functions and features – for example, now in Telegram you can set up monetization of photos and videos in your channel. To do this, it is enough to publish the material as an encrypted message, which can only be unlocked by participants who have paid for access.
As reported by Day.Az with reference to the official Telegram website, the internal currency Telegram Stars will be suitable for payment, which can then be used to promote the channel or converted into TON and withdrawn into fiat funds. Also in the new version, the developers have included the ability to work with several web applications at once. Now they can be minimized instead of closed. In addition, the messenger now supports working with link widgets in stories, and has also learned to show materials by hashtags and location.
You can download the update through the app store or from the official website.
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