But heavy in the history of Aharon: the Rebbetzin, the wife of the Rebbe, died of a serious illness

by time news

But heavy in the yard of the community of the history of Aaron: Rebbetzin Mrs. Hinda Kahn, the wife of the Rebbe of Toldot Aharon, passed away this evening (Wednesday) at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.

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In the past year, the rabbi has been dealing with a serious illness. She was recently hospitalized, and today the family members reached a state of soul exit, after her body systems collapsed – and she passed away, to the chagrin of her family members and the entire community.

Rebbetzin AH was born on 2 Adar 2, 1948, as the eldest daughter of her father, the Admor Rabbi Naftali Zvi Lavin of Zidichov, and her mother, Mrs. Miriam Eidel, while living after the Second World War in the city of Landsberg. In Germany.

When she was one year old, the family immigrated to the Holy Land. In her father’s house she received her education for the love of the Torah and virtues – and all her days she devoted herself to acts of charity and kindness for the needy.

In 1959, due to her mother’s health condition, the family emigrated to London, where she fed her mother with her illness.

In 1956, she married her husband, the Rebbe of Toldot Aharon, Rabbi David Kahn, the second son of the Rebbe of the Divrei Emuna from Toldot Aharon.

After the death of her mother, she continued to raise her brothers and sisters, and later emigrated with her father, the late Rebbe Mazidichov, to the United States – where he established his seminary.

Her home in Monsey, New York State was an open house, with a broken and oppressed side, full of charity collectors coming from the Holy Land.

Upon her husband’s coronation as a rebbe from Toldot Aharon 25 years ago, they immigrated to the Holy Land.

Among its activities was the establishment of the organization “Women’s Union of the History of Aharon – Nishta Hada”, which unites all the women of the community, and as part of it, strengthening gatherings were held. She also founded the organization ‘Auxiliary for Good Heart Maternity’.

She is survived by many sons and sons-in-law and descendants:

Sons – Rabbi Israel Yosef, Rabbi Aharon, Rabbi Moshe – Av Beit Din of Toldot Aharon London, Rabbi Menachem Nahum, Rabbi Yeshaya, Rabbi Yoel Yechiel, Rabbi Rabbi Shlomo Leib.

Her sons-in-law: Rabbi Avraham Rabinowitz, the Rebbe of Chernivtsi, Rabbi Eliyahu Ginzenburg, Rabbi Baruch Kahana and Rabbi Natan Friedman.

Her brothers: the Rebbe of Ziditchov-London, the Rebbe Av Beit Din of Haredim, the Rebbe of Zidichov-Williamsburg, the Rebbe of Balchov, the Rebbe of Zidichov-Bnei Brak, her sister is the wife of the Rebbe of Tahash.

Her funeral will take place at noon – Thursday – at 12:00, from the great Beit Midrash of Toldot Aharon in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem, to the Mount of Olives – where she will be buried.

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