For the first time since the corona broke out in Israel: the state of emergency is over

by time news

The Israeli government decided tonight (Wednesday) for the first time since the outbreak of the corona about two years ago, to move from a state of emergency due to the corona to a “special health condition”. The move was initiated by the chairman of the Constitution Committee, Member of Knesset Gilad Karib. The declaration that will reach the approval of the Constitution Committee will be valid for three months from March 2 to June 2.

“The end of the state of emergency is an important message for Israeli citizens and Israeli democracy,” said committee chairman Karib.

Karib added that the transition between the two situations will restore parliamentary oversight of government work, and return Israeli democracy to the required routine of conduct. “The government will be left with the ability to respond quickly and effectively to any new development and threat, but the toolbox that the government will operate will be proportionate and strictly adapted to the disease situation.”

Closure, Archive Photo: Yonatan Sindel / Flash90

“Special health condition” – The parliamentary supervision will be more similar to what is customary in the supervision of “ordinary” regulations brought by the government – the regulations will be brought to the committee 6 days before the date of entry into force and will enter into force only if they receive parliamentary approval in advance.

“Emergency due to corona virus” – Parliamentary oversight is similar to that currently accepted so that regulations enacted by the government under the law can enter into force even without prior committee approval, and can be approved retrospectively in committee or plenum, but the time given to the committee to discuss regulations before they take effect will be extended from 24 to 48 hours.

However, as in the original law, the government can enact regulations that will enter into force earlier even without the approval of the Knesset committee if special circumstances of urgency exist and the government is convinced by the Ministry of Health that entry into force is necessary to prevent corona infection or protect at-risk populations.

It should be noted that in a special health situation, initiated by Karib, the government will not be able to install closure regulations, regulations that apply throughout the country and stipulate, for example, the closure of banquet halls, restaurants, shops and more. Also, you will not be able to install regulations restricting the occupants of a vehicle or restricting a crowd in the private or public space of less than 50 people in a building and 300 in an open space.

The declaration of a special state of health will be valid for up to three months, and the regulations will be valid for a period of up to 42 days and regulations concerning the restriction of entry or exit from Israel – up to 28 days.

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