how to correctly format a request in ChatGPT to get a useful response?

by times news cr

2024-07-17 20:12:29

It is important to know a few rules

“Inquiries (eng. prompt) designer is one of the newest professions today. These are people who are able to professionally ask questions of large language patterns (eng. Large Language Models) for chatbots operating on the principle. This requires knowledge of certain methods, intuition, and the basic ability to think clearly,” says L. Keraitis.

According to the expert, knowing how to formulate a request correctly can bring more benefits for both work and personal needs. L. Keraitis shares tips adapted to the ChatGPT program, but will also work in its alternatives, such as Gemini or According to the expert, ideally you should write your queries in English and translate the result into Lithuanian, but everything works when you ask in Lithuanian.

Ask concisely, clearly and specifically. The more specific you are about the question or task, the better the result. Instead of “Suggest what to see in Rome”, I’d rather ask for “Recommend what to see and what to do during a weekend trip to Rome in September, focusing on cultural and historical sites”. Do not forget the context, for example: “We are traveling with three children. We are vegetarians and lovers of bike tours. Include local favourites’.

Create a clear goal. Explain to the chatbot what you want to invent or achieve. Here are some sample query options: “Provide a step-by-step plan for building a successful e-commerce store, from market research to product sales”; “Help come up with a name for a new kindergarten”; “Give tips on how to create a ‘capsule’ wardrobe”.

Give the chatbot a role. Help the robot understand from which perspective it should analyze the situation. The request can be started with the following sentences: “Behave like a market analyst and…”; “Imagine that you are a copywriting expert whose goal is…”; “Imagine you’re a tech journalist…”.

Define the response style and audience. Ask ChatGPT to respond immediately in the style you need, such as: “Give the answer in Hemingway style”, “Explain it so that even a sixth grader can understand”, “The answer should catch the attention of people in the auto repair business”.

Refine the limitations and format. Indicate immediately if your desired answer must have a specific form or restrictions: “Summarize the budget in a table”, “Answer must consist of five steps”, “Answer must be no longer than 300 characters”, “Answer using bullet points”, “Answer must be suitable for copying and emailing by mail”, “Submit the budget in table format”.

Give examples of a good answer. Help the chatbot understand what answer would suit you best by sharing examples: “Use examples from the following sources:..”, “An article I like looks like this:..”, “An example of a good product description (don’t copy it):…”.

“If the questions are simple and similar to the ones we ask Google, a few words can be enough.” But by writing a query of 4-12 sentences, you can already get a much more accurate answer to a specific task. People often rush to chat with ChatGPT, although it’s a good idea to edit your very first query and ask for a new response. This can be done by hovering over your message and clicking the pencil icon. If it is not possible to get an answer after several edits, you should think – maybe I can divide my question into several?”, L. Keraitis recommends.

How to get less boilerplate answers?

According to the specialist, ChatGPT answers can often sound very abstract – the tool is good at talking without saying much. This is due to various security and ethical constraints – tech companies don’t want to risk allowing chatbots to improvise and give answers that are too one-sided or direct, as this could result in offended and disaffected people.

Less boilerplate responses come from giving the chatbot a role and telling it about your needs. The less context a chat app has, the more general its responses will be. L. Keraitis suggests using the opportunity to personalize your ChatGPT account. This can be done by clicking on its icon and selecting “Customize ChatGPT”. Answering a few questions there will give ChatGPT a better understanding of your expectations.

The innovation expert also advises you to try GPTs, which are ChatGPT apps that are already customized for a more specific purpose, such as programming, writing articles, or other tasks. Since spring, GPTs are available and free for owners of the ChatGPT version.

L. Keraitis says that in many cases, people give up using ChatGPT after just a few unsuccessful attempts, even though a quality answer is just around the corner.

“We must not be afraid to experiment – it is an incredible tool, the power of which sometimes exceeds our imaginations. It is important to remember that AI sometimes experiences so-called hallucinations – it makes up its own facts, so all information must be checked, just like anywhere else on the Internet. But if we talk about generating ideas, ChatGPT can save a lot of time here,” the expert is convinced.

2024-07-17 20:12:29

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