Definitely the best. The coalition praises the selection of KHNP in the tender for the construction of nuclear blocks – 2024-07-17 21:44:23

by times news cr

2024-07-17 21:44:23

The offer of the South Korean company KHNP in the tender for the construction of nuclear units in Dukovany was clearly better in practically every aspect, from the price of the resulting energy to the degree of involvement of Czech companies. It was written on Wednesday by the president of TOP 09 and the Chamber of Deputies, Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and Chairman of KDU-ČSL Marian Jurečka called safe and affordable energy supplies and high involvement of Czech industry not only in the construction in Dukovany important. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior and head of STAN Vít Rakušan completely agrees with the decision and arguments of Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS), he wrote.

The new nuclear units in Dukovany will be built by the Korean company KHNP. For now, it will be two reactors, but the government will still negotiate with the winner about the option to build two more units in Temelín. The price for one reactor in the construction of two blocks is 200 billion crowns at current prices. The cabinet gave preference to the Korean company over the French company EDF.

According to Fiala, Wednesday’s cabinet decision was unanimous, which resulted from better conditions from the KHNP. “Even the price was so convincing that we could decide unanimously,” he said after the government meeting.

“A comparison of both offers showed that the KHNP offer was clearly better in practically every aspect – from the price of the resulting energy to the level of involvement of Czech companies,” said Pekarová Adamová. “This historic step is extremely good news for Czech citizens, and I am glad that our government is moving the energy industry forward with regard to the all-important energy security,” she added.

On Wednesday, Jurečka described the government’s decision as one of the most important in energy in modern history. “We want to be able to have safe and affordable energy supplies, and at the same time, the high involvement of our industry is important for us, not only in this construction in Dukovany,” he said on sewing X. He then wrote that there was nothing to hesitate about. “At the government meeting, I supported the investor’s recommendation, the KHNP offer was clearly better,” he noted.

Long-term effects

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Regional Development and President of the Pirates Ivan Bartoš, the government approached the matter in the most responsible manner, because it is aware of the long-term effects on the Czech Republic and its citizens. “Which was, after all, the reason why in the past period under the Pirates we fought so intensively against the idea of ​​YES to open the possibility of building the Kremlin, when we luckily managed to stop this harakiri idea,” he wrote. According to him, the Czech Republic must be as energy self-sufficient as possible and independent of enemy regimes.

According to Bartoš, all bids in the tender were evaluated in great detail and expertly. “In the end, the one with the most favorable price won, which will ensure both the development of nuclear energy and sufficient electricity for citizens and companies at an acceptable price,” he noted. The Cabinet was based on the evaluation of the final offers prepared by ČEZ.

“Approximately 200 experts were involved in the evaluation, who proceeded in accordance with the methodology of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The evaluation was carried out according to predetermined licensing, technical, economic and contractual conditions. The safety aspect was also carefully considered,” added Bartoš.

The decision was also supported by the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Marek Ženíšek (TOP 09). “I remind you that the previous government considered Rosatom. Based on the documents, I am convinced that this is the most advantageous option. It is also a huge opportunity for research in the Czech Republic,” he pointed out on sewing X. Also Pekarová Adamová considers as important that the construction will take place without the participation of Russia and China.

The Korean company’s offer is more favorable in most parameters, even according to the Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborny (KDU-ČSL). “Now it will be about concluding a contract. Our goal is to ensure energy security and reasonable energy prices,” he noted.

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