2024-07-18 15:12:51
2,615 BGN is needed for a family with a child to live normally. For a person living alone, the required net income is BGN 1,453. This is shown by the KNSB’s calculations for the cost of living as of June.
However, 1/3 of Bulgarians live on less than BGN 1,000.
In one year, it has risen by BGN 91 for a family with one child and by BGN 51 for a working person.
In one year, the number of working Bulgarians who receive more than the living wage has increased from 32.6 to 38%, KNSB president Plamen Dimitrov reported.
For food alone, 572 BGN is needed per working person, or 39.4% of his income.
In March, the International Labor Organization adopted a definition and methodology for calculating the living wage. KNSB insists that all salary increase requests be referred to it, and not to the average salary. “Regardless of what the government is, the social partners must be convened to adapt the definition of a living wage to Bulgarian soil. Our ambition is to have our national definition and methodology approved by the end of the year, according to which we calculate a living wage and the national statistics to announce it on a quarterly basis, so that all Bulgarians know how much money they need to live reasonably well according to Bulgarian standards,” said KNSB president Plamen Dimitrov.