Dakhla: Responsible management in the digital age under debate

by times news cr

2024-07-18 16:27:17

Initiated by the National School of Commerce and Management (ENCG) of Dakhla, in collaboration with the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, and in partnership with the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Agadir, Gaston-Berger University in Senegal and Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Ivory Coast, this scientific meeting aims to lead a reflection on the leadership models and management methods that today’s leaders need to face current global challenges.

This two-day congress (March 4 and 5) is part of the UNESCO Chair on Higher Education, Research and Innovation, an initiative that aims to promote higher education, research and innovation in the field of global and responsible management, capable of developing sustainable management methods oriented towards the future.

Speaking on this occasion, the director of ENCG Dakhla, Aziz Sair indicated that the world is today facing multiple challenges and a series of crises, insisting on the need to reflect on new leadership models and reinvented management modes to move forward in “this uncertain world”.

In this wake, Mr. Sair highlighted the essential role of the University in research and development of concrete solutions in this area, noting that businesses, governments and citizens, for their part, must assume their responsibilities to project themselves into a better future.

For her part, the coordinator of this international congress, Malika Abentak, stressed that the various stakeholders have a crucial role to play in developing, in the digital age, risk prevention and crisis management skills based on inclusive, supportive and responsible management and leadership.

The agenda for this international congress includes several panels focusing in particular on “Responsible leadership between training and teaching”, “The practice of responsible leadership in times of crisis: the case of Africa” ​​and “Digital technology and artificial intelligence”.

2024-07-18 16:27:17

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