2024-07-21 11:56:26
He Inbursa Aquariumin Mexico City, celebrates its tenth anniversary as a reference point for lovers of Marine life and the environment in the country. Since its opening in June 2014, this iconic sanctuary has offered educational experiences and of invaluable conservation.
To kick off the celebrations of this special year, the aquarium presented the new temporary exhibition Sea Monsterswhich is deployed in the Bursusa high-tech ship designed to study the terrors of the seaVisitors can discover a variety of mythological creatures such as mermaids, or the infamous Leviathan, as they wander the halls of this interactive ship.
This exhibition promises to take its visitors on a fascinating journey through the cryptozoology marina. From the imposing megalodon prehistoric to legendary Kraken From Nordic stories, the exhibition captures the imagination and sparks curiosity about the creatures that have fueled myths and legends throughout history.
These temporary exhibitions allow the aquarium to bring themes that, due to their characteristics, could not be maintained permanently, thus offering a renewed experience and pedagogical.
Since its opening, the aquarium has welcomed more than 800 thousand children and adolescents from all over the Republic, reaffirming their commitment to education and the preservation of the environment.
This is how it was Juan Rafael Sanchez, Director of Operations, highlighted the aquarium’s efforts to constantly renew its exhibits and offer educational content that links current animals with mythological creatures, capturing the attention of children and adolescents alike.
In addition to its approach pedagogical As a scientific and educational institution, one of the main objectives of the aquarium is to instill in the new generations the value of marine life. In the same way, it seeks to teach children and young people the importance of respecting and caring for other forms of life, raising awareness about the diversity and fragility of aquatic ecosystems.
The aquarium manager, José Antonio Martínez, mentioned in a press conference that during these ten years the aquarium has carried out conservation, reproduction and research work on various species.
A notable example is the birth of the first gentoo penguin in Mexico in December 2020. Currently, the aquarium has eight of these specimens and continues with its conservation and reproduction program of the Mexican axolotl, an emblematic and endangered species that reproduces in its facilities.
In addition, the Aquarium Inbursa It maintains agreements with educational institutions nationwide, allowing veterinary students to do their internships there, contributing to the training of future professionals committed to marine conservation.
2024-07-21 11:56:26