“Imagine a climate disaster…”: an American supermarket sells survival food items

by time news

2024-07-21 15:50:16

Prevention is better than not being able to feed yourself. This could be the motto of the American supermarket company Costco, which sells emergency food buckets. These foods are made to be easily available in the event of dire situations such as natural disaster or food shortage. “The buckets contain 150 units each and have a shelf life of up to 25 years,” ABC6 said.

The shelf life is made possible thanks to the freeze-drying, low temperature drying process to remove the water in the product and the packaging designed to last over time. Useful when there is no access to fresh food.

A variety of foods and meals

Among the 150 dry foods, there are 80 meals, 30 lunches and 40 drinks, for a total of 25,280 calories. The preparation is very easy because you just need to add hot water to the preparation. So it is possible to eat Alfredo pasta, teriyaki rice, tomato and basil soup, macaroni and cheese and “apple and cinnamon” cereals. All meals provide essential nutrients during an emergency.

“In a world where the unexpected has become the norm, our product plays an important role in your emergency preparedness,” describes the product. Imagine a natural disaster, the challenge of a bad job, or a bad diet. These times are when having a reliable food source can be a game changer. »

The lead has been sold for many years in the United States, but has recently risen to prominence Internet users landing in Costco stores with the catchy name on the label “Costco Apocalypse Dinner Kits”, and sells for $79.99 (around 73 euros). On social networks, some buyers explain that they keep the seal for emergency situations, while others use it when camping. Dry food, easy to carry and cook, has found its audience among outdoor enthusiasts.

#Imagine #climate #disaster.. #American #supermarket #sells #survival #food #items

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