Victor Erofeev: Tsar-Kid tore Donbass from Ukraine | Culture and lifestyle in Germany and Europe | DW

by time news

Actually, this headline is the news of the day. She horrified the entire Western world. And Putin is already celebrating his next victory. He is not afraid of any sanctions and is ready to fight, because he really considers Ukraine a fake state. He has now become a historian and discovered that Ukraine was invented by … you know who? Lenin. But what about Kievan Rus? So this is the beginning of Russia. Ukraine is now a hostile state, it is ruled, according to Putin, by neo-Nazis and nationalists, and the people are fraternal, they are us. Here is the task: how to kill them, if anything? But there is such a thing: inhumanity. And the fate of Ukraine, like Belarus, is to lie in Putin’s pocket in the name of the triumph of the “Russian world”, the Russian Empire and justice. What kind of justice?

reality of Putin

Here we need to look into the reality in which our Tsar-Kid lives and which he spared to his Kremlin comrades. Maybe some of them have choked on this reality, but they don’t show it yet. So, for the Tsar-Kid, the world is formed by at least four concepts. The first is the St. Petersburg gateway. Gopniks live there according to their own laws. The main thing there is to win, and to humiliate others, put them in cancer. The second is sports martial arts, another staple of Putin’s consciousness, calling for victory. The third is work in the KGB. Fight against enemies in the name of victory. The fourth bond is the restoration of the borders of the Soviet Union. This is fair, because the Americans (according to this version) destroyed the great Soviet Union, dragged the republics to their camp like potatoes from a fire, and the “Russian world” is ready for revenge. Revenge is the boy’s favorite word.

But is the capture of Donbass not a mistake? After all, along with the Kremlin’s recognition of the “DNR” and “LNR”, the Minsk agreements are automatically denounced, on which Zelensky was hanging like on a hook, in the figurative expression of Russian Minister Lavrov. How to put pressure on Kiev now? Isn’t that why Zelensky was so calm in his nightly speech? The stranglehold has been removed. You can take a break. And Donbass has been Putin’s since 2014. And in general… No wonder Yushchenko once said that for Ukraine Donbass is something alien. This is not Ukrainian mentality. As, however, and Crimea. And Ukraine worked with this mentality weakly, mediocre. That’s why the Donbass broke away.

Writer Viktor Erofeev

And how cleverly everything is done by Putin? The Americans decided to evacuate their embassy workers from Kiev, hinting that Putin would take Kiev, and thereby depriving the intervention of surprise. And Putin loves the unexpected. He loves surprise more than anything. And what did Putin do? This is the theme of a military-sentimental novel: explosions are heard, for obvious reasons, in the Donbass, a military machine is blown up, Ukrainian saboteurs in the amount of five people cross the border of Russia. They are destroyed. And as a result, tens of thousands of Donbass women, practically without luggage, with small children, become refugees – they go to Russia. There they are waiting for 10,000 rubles per person and a warm welcome. Our compatriots (through TV and social networks) admire the humanity of the Kremlin. And only intellectuals-renegades (the same names) write an open letter with curses to the regime. Be damned. Now and in the future. In response – a beautiful Kremlin silence. After all, the majority of the Russian people are with the Kremlin: from parliament to the homeless.

Four Dreams in the Kremlin

However, from the point of view of international law, the recognition by the Tsar-Kid of the Donbass “DNR” and “LNR” is a huge scandal. And what should the Western world do now, what should Ukraine do? If I were participating in European structures, I would say: give Ukraine an early opportunity to join the EU. This is a real help to the country at the moment. But that is unlikely to happen, to Putin’s wild delight. All the indignation of the West will slowly settle like dust. The debate about Nord Stream 2 and other quarrelsome economic experiences will begin again.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow on February 15, 2022

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

Our Tsar Kid is not afraid of Europe at all, he considers Macron Biden’s postman and no less highly regards the real strength of Scholz. He is only interested in Biden – equal in strength, as it seems to him, the kid. Or a cowboy. That is why at the meeting of the Security Council, Putin came up with the topic of the border. The Russian-American border passes in Ukraine. There is no other. Will Putin cross this border? I think he may have four different dreams about this.

One, small – to expand the Donbass to the borders of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions. This is a real war, blood and a lot of corpses. We’ll have to fight in Mariupol and other places. The second is Novorossiya, about which, now resurrected, a lot was said in 2014. Take away from Ukraine land from Kharkov to Moldova, including the beautiful Odessa. There will be even more blood and corpses. So what? The third is to take Kiev and install your own government. This is a sea of ​​blood. But who counts the corpses in the boy’s mind? Only weaklings. Finally, the fourth dream is to take all of Ukraine and go to the border with Poland. This is the real dream of restoring the borders of the Soviet Union. Yes, this will have to be dealt with. But the game is worth the candle.

What happened in the Donbass can be characterized by the replacement they are not there on we are here. But from the change of names the essence has not changed. If the dreams of the Tsar-Kid remain dreams for now, Ukraine gets a moment of respite. The Minsk agreements are dead. Moreover, Ukraine is becoming a proud victim – we can handle it, but help! Putin has slapped another slap in the face on the Western world. How many have there been? Do not count. Well, Crimea is probably the most important so far. But Donbass is also a strong blow. Putin is well done, he is pleased with himself.

Viktor Erofeev is a writer, literary critic, TV presenter, author of the books “Russian Beauty”, “Good Stalin”, “Akimuds”, “Pink Mouse” and many others, holder of the French Order of the Legion of Honor.

The comment expresses the personal opinion of the author. It may not coincide with the opinion of the Russian editors and Deutsche Welle in general.

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