Brazilian researchers develop tool that can predict climate for decades to come – 2024-07-22 12:18:06

by times news cr

2024-07-22 12:18:06

RIO DE JANEIROBrazilian researchers are finishing the development of a climate forecasting tool that could revolutionize the world by showing climate trends for the coming decades.

Denominated Project GodThe initiative aims to develop a technological tool capable of integrating climate data from the past, present and future, offering a new perspective for forecasting climate events and their variations.

The innovative technology is being developed at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), in collaboration with Engie Brasil Energia, within the Program of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), and the Euclides da Cunha Foundation (FEC).

According to Ana Luiza Spadano, the project coordinator and UFF professor of Geology and Geophysics, who spoke to Xinhua, the lack of extensive historical series of climate data represents a major challenge in forecasting. In Brazil, for example, records rarely go back more than 80 years.

«The project Bed “It highlights the ability of Brazilian science to significantly contribute to the advancement of climate science and underlines our active role in the search for sustainable solutions to global challenges,” Spadano said.

According to the interviewee, the objective of Bed is to create advanced software that allows Engie technicians to search and integrate a wide range of climate data.

This tool will provide detailed analysis to support strategic climate decisions in specific regions of the country, helping to ensure greater certainty in resource planning and management of risks associated with climate change.

“We are building a tool for the operator to be able to look at climate trends over long time scales. In other words, instead of looking at precipitation patterns in a basin over the past 50 years, you can look at trends in precipitation variability over the past 21,000 years, verify these same trends with instrumental measurements covering a few dozen years, and also simulate the future based on the results of numerical models,” he added.

For Spadano, “the software Bed combines all this information and thus greatly increases decision-making capacity.”

According to the coordinator, the project is in the final stages of interpreting regional climate variability, applying the analytical tools developed to produce diagnoses that will help Engie make decisions related to energy production. It is expected to be completed in June of this year.

“This tool will help energy operators understand the likelihood of prolonged droughts or excess rainfall in certain regions. For example, if the government decides to build a hydroelectric power plant, the software will help predict, based on the past, present and future, the likelihood of water being available in that region for power generation. The same goes for wind power,” he concluded.


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