▸The killer air force of Israel, which bombed targets in Yemen, trained on the attack scenario together with the Greek air force in joint gymnasiums in the Crete region at the end of May! This shocking revelation, which was made by government sources, comes to show the complicity and direct involvement of the ND government and the Greek state in Israel’s aggressive war moves and in the massacre of Palestinians. The scenario of the exercise provided for aerial resupply of warplanes by flying tankers.
This cooperation was denounced by the NAR in its announcement on Communist Liberation, stressing among other things that “the new revelation about the direct involvement of Greece in the war conflicts in the Middle East and the ongoing slaughter of the Palestinians comes to prove the enormous dangers it hides for the people and especially for the youth, the path that the Greek bourgeoisie has chosen and the ND government faithfully serves, just as its predecessors did”.
The entire announcement of the NARP on Communist Liberation is as follows:
The government with Israel, the people with the people
The new revelation about the direct involvement of Greece in the war conflicts in the Middle East and the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians comes to prove the enormous dangers it hides for the people and especially for the youth, the path that the Greek bourgeoisie has chosen and serves the ND government faithfully, just as its predecessors did.
Specifically, as it became known, the raid carried out by Israel against Yemen last Saturday, in yet another provocative act of escalating the conflicts, was preceded by a “dress rehearsal” south of Crete, within the Athens FIR. In fact, dozens of Greek fighter jets took part in it – precisely those that the governments supposedly buy for the “defense of the country”, disposing of billions of euros which they cut from salaries and pensions, health and education.
While the International Court of Justice in The Hague was condemning and demanding an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel, demanding that the member states of the UN refrain from any action that helps the continuation of the occupation, the Greek state offers maximum services in preparation and education of the Israeli military machine.
Against this background, there is no doubt that Greece will actively participate in any adventurous intervention, even in a generalized war, that its allies: USA, EU, NATO and Israel decide to declare. He has already given relevant writing samples, moreover, as evidenced by the systematic equipping of Ukraine with weapon systems and ammunition which have also allegedly been acquired to counter the “Turkish threat”.
In the face of all this, we insist on being on the other side, the right “side of history” for the people. Having realized that today it is an absolute necessity to build an anti-war, anti-imperialist, internationalist, labor movement, which will be able to stop the capital’s murderous wars of our time.
Which will be determined to participate with all its forces in the only just war – the class war.
NAR for Communist Liberation
2024-07-22 14:55:10