Delta variant, Pregliasco: “Even with 2 doses of vaccine, you can get infected”

by time news

The words of the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco are a real cold shower for those who thought that the advancement of vaccinations and the decline in the contagion curve meant that Covid is now under control.

The medical director of IRCCS Galeazzi in Milan launches the alarm on the Delta variant: “We shouldn’t be too afraid of it, but a little bit of concern yes. It must be reiterated that vaccination with two doses also guarantees the avoidance of the disease against the Delta variant, in some cases there may be an infection so the vaccinated person could also spread the infection. In Britain they opened long before us and I believe that the increase in infections is a situation that we will experience in the near future. More contacts lead to more chances of infection, also considering that this variant is more contagious. I am confident that vaccination coverage will greatly limit the most serious cases, ”he told Cusano Italia TV.

Another hot topic is the vaccine mix, also due to the communication mess that involved the highest levels of institutions. On this Pregliasco said: “This indication of the Ministry to give the second dose with RNA vaccine it was linked to giving citizens greater reassurance, why the first dose of Astrazeneca can lead to cases of thrombosi, even if very rare. The hope was that this indication would take away these fears related to side effects, but I say the second dose with Astrazeneca is welcome and the mix is ​​also welcome. Already 4 studies on the combination of different vaccines tell us that the immune response is more than goodindeed a study indicates that it is even greater ”.

There is also some good news, as Pregliasco confirms that in July it will be possible remove the mask outdoors: “There is no technicality and no manual to say when to remove this obligation. I believe that now with the current situation it is possible to cancel the obligation and the time window hypothesized between 5 and 15 July seems right to me, precisely to ensure that these openings are definitive and no steps back should be taken . A certain share of positives is still there, so we must proceed with caution. However, we will have to wear the mask and use it when needed in particular situations “.

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