Corona is often only detected in many patients in the hospital

by time news

Many people who have been admitted to Carinthian hospitals in the past few weeks and who have to be isolated because of corona infections have not even been admitted because of Covid-19.

More than 50 percent

They came because of other illnesses, and when they were admitted to the hospital, a corona infection was found. Their proportion of the reported Covid patients varies between 50 percent and two thirds, confirmed Gerd Kurath from the state press service on Thursday.

However, this puts even more strain on the departments in the hospitals, because Covid patients have to be isolated, the staff have to wear protective clothing, which considerably increases the effort required for care.

According to Kurath, it is being analyzed whether the comparatively high number of fatalities is related to this phenomenon. The exact results should be available in the coming week. “However, more people die every year in January and February than in the other months,” said Kurath.

On Thursday, the number of infected hospital patients rose by ten to 193, 17 of whom required intensive care, one less than on Wednesday. According to the forecasts, the occupancy figures should drop to below 150 in the coming week, said Kurath.

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