2024-07-23 12:23:47
We express our strong support for the presidency of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which will be held in Azerbaijan in November 2024. This event will include the 29th session of the COP, the 19th meeting of the COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 19), and the sixth meeting of the COP serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 6), where, inter alia, the first enhanced transparency framework and a new collective quantitative target on finance will be finalized. The 61st sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 61) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 61) will also take place.
Uzbekistan, as a state recognizing the critical importance of combating global climate challenges, has been a Party to the UNFCCC since 1993 and a party to the Paris Agreement. We highly appreciate the commitment and leadership demonstrated by the COP29 Presidency and Azerbaijan in advancing climate action in the international arena. Despite its growing population and urbanization processes, Uzbekistan is striving for a more sustainable use of natural resources and an end to unsustainable consumption and production patterns. The country is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, so decarbonization of the industrial, agricultural and transport sectors, as well as adaptation to new realities, are of vital importance for Uzbekistan.
Civil society in Uzbekistan strives to achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, recognizing the need to meet current needs without compromising those of future generations. We are convinced that addressing climate change is of paramount importance, and the time has come for bold and decisive steps to mitigate the impacts, protect vulnerable communities, and preserve valuable ecosystems.
Civil society in Uzbekistan highly appreciates the commitment of the COP29 Presidency and Azerbaijan to the development of dialogue, cooperation and innovation. With its rich cultural and natural heritage, Azerbaijan acts not only as a careful custodian of valuable ecological resources, but also as an active defender of the environment and combating climate change.
Uzbekistan expresses optimism that Azerbaijan will achieve meaningful consensus results at the upcoming COP29 negotiations.
Civil society in Uzbekistan stands in solidarity with Azerbaijan’s COP29 Presidency in their commitment to accelerate climate action and create a brighter future for our planet. We look forward to contributing to the fight against climate change and building a world where both people and nature thrive.
1. “Inclusive Life” public association of people with disabilities – Mirzarakhimova Khilola Abdukarimovna
2. Independent Human Rights Organization of Uzbekistan – Adilov Ismoil
3. International Women’s Public Fund “Woman of the East” – Tursunbaeva Saodat Gafurovna
4. “ECOSAN” – international charitable public foundation for ecology and health – Zhuraev Komilzhon Begmonovich
5. NGO “Mercy and Consequences” – Turabekova Saida
6. Association of Psychologists of Uzbekistan – Makhmudova Khulkar Tilaboevna
7. Non-governmental non-profit scientific organization “Caravan of Knowledge” – Tolipov Farkhod Fazilovich
8. “For a Healthy Generation” – international non-governmental charitable foundation – Muminov Nazimzhon Ergashevich
9. Association “Agrarian Women” of Uzbekistan – Akhmedzhanova Adiba Kamiljanovna
10. Non-governmental public association of Uzbeks who graduated from Russian universities – Mamadalieva Makhbula Mamatazizovna
11. Non-governmental non-profit organization “Children-Butterflies” – Dzhabbarova Guzal Telmanovna
12. “Madad” – a non-governmental non-profit organization in the form of an institution – Tursunov Tulkin Mirzaevich
13. Research Center “Istikbol” NGO – Butaev Usmonzhon Khairullaevich
14. Center for Retraining of Journalists of Uzbekistan – Babadjanova Gulnara Nadzhimovna
15. Center for Assistance to Regional Economic Development – Bekchanov Davron Masharipovich
16. Institute “Democracy and Human Rights” – Khodjaeva Sayora Atakhanovna
17. Charitable public association “Farovon Yurt” – Kilichev Shokhzod Nortukhtaevich
18. Economic Assembly of Uzbekistan – Umarov Mukhtor Mansurkhudjaevich
19. Association of Women and Girls of Uzbekistan – Miradilova Nasiba Kadirovna
20. Non-governmental non-profit organization “Digital Generation Uzbekistan” – Dzhalalov Azamat Akhrarovich
21. Association of Volunteers of Uzbekistan – Abidova Shirin Rahimzhanovna
22. Center for Public Diplomacy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization of Uzbekistan – Sobirov Kobiljon Kosimovich
23. Center for Sustainable Development – Saminov Elerzhon Sadullazhonovich
24. Association of Owners of Guest Houses and Hostels of Uzbekistan – Saidov Utkir Urolboevich
25. Center for Support of Entrepreneurship and Farming of Uzbekistan – Alimov Akrom Makhkamovich
26. Society of Disabled People of Uzbekistan – Abdullaev Kamil Kadamovich
27. Notary Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Ashurov Dilshod Rustamovich
28. “Family” center of scientific, social and humanitarian initiatives – Karimova Dildora Mirsabitovna
29. Non-governmental non-profit organization “Center for Support of Youth Entrepreneurship of Uzbekistan” – Rashidov Mekhrozh Khurshed ugli
30. Association of Disabled People of Uzbekistan – Isakov Oybek Yusufbekovich
31. Representative office of the Central Asian Association in Uzbekistan – Mamarasulova Gulnoz Abulkosimovna
32. “ECOLOGIST” public association – Kosimova Nargis Sunnat kizi
33. Association of Chernobyl Victims of Uzbekistan – Nikonov Yuri Andreevich
34. “New Media Education Center” – a non-governmental non-profit organization in the form of an institution – Alimov Beruniy Sultonovich
35. Public Foundation “Kindness and Health of Uzbekistan” – Mirzakhmedov Asrol Khodjievich
36. Republican public charitable foundation “Chernobyl” – Normuratov Davronbek Omonovich
37. National movement “Uprising” – Bekmurodov Bobur Mansurovich
38. Union of Entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan and Turkey “UTID” – Islamov Rustam Israilovich
39. Non-governmental non-profit organization “My Uzbekligim – my personality” – Sultanova Mohira Sabitovna
40. Center of Culture of Human Rights – Umarov Ikhtior Subkhonovich
41. Center for the Promotion of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan “Heritage Throughout Life” – Mirzaeva Lutfiya Khomidovna
42. Association of veteran and disabled wrestlers of Uzbekistan “VETERAN” – Muradov Talat Pardaevich
43. Public fund “EZGU AMAL” – Khodzhaeva Hilola Bakhtiyorovna
44. Society of the visually impaired of Uzbekistan – Narpulatov Ergash Dzhuraevich
45. Center for Progressive Reforms – Aslanov Mirshohid Farkhodovich
46. World Youth Association of Uzbekistan – Shavkatov Otabek Sherzodovich
47. Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship in Tashkent – Yuldosheva Vazira Abdullaevna
48. Uzbekistan “VETERAN” association of veterans and disabled people, Tashkent branch – Sultanov Rustam Sultonovich
49. Charitable public association of diabetics and disabled people of Tashkent city “Umid” – Ibragimova Nilufar Shukurovna
50. Public Foundation named after Muhammad Yusuf of Tashkent city – Salyamova Nazira Salomovna
51. Tashkent City Association of Engineering Education – Magrupov Talat Madievich
52. Tashkent city society of disabled children with diabetes mellitus “SOF-DIL” – Sultanova Shahrizada Talabbekovna
53. “MILLENNIUM” – center for social and legal rehabilitation of young people with disabilities – Makhmadkulova Gulzhakhon Ergashevna
54. Tashkent city branch of the Society of Disabled People of Uzbekistan – Vasikova Feruza Khashimovna
55. Tashkent city sports club karate “Bilol-karate” – Zainiddinov Biloliddin Kamolkhodzhaevich
56. Non-governmental non-profit organization “Logos” of Tashkent city – Sanginov Saidrasul Saidakparovich
57. Tashkent city center for supporting women and youth “Healthy mother and child” – Zaripova Ranojon
58. Tashkent regional branch of the National Paralympic Association of Uzbekistan – Azizov Abdukakhhor Abdukhapisovich
59. Tashkent city professional sports club “MIR FIGHTER” – Normatov Odiljon Abidovich
60. Society of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Disabled Hemophilia” – Yusupova Durdona Ravshanovna
61. Tashkent city branch of the Federation of Games and Rock Climbing of Uzbekistan – Khusanov Umid
62. Tashkent city public association of disabled people “INCLUSIVE SOCIETY” – Tillaeva Nodira Doniyorovna
63. Tashkent city youth center for the visually impaired – Dangalov Sunnatilla Mustafaevich
64. Tashkent city organization of the Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan – Tashlanova Nazokat Rustamovna
65. Tashkent city non-governmental non-profit organization “Mercy in the eyes” – Tashkhodjaeva Makhira Khashimovna
66. Tashkent city branch of the creative association “Tasviriy oyna” – Gulyamov Murod Ismailovich
67. Tashkent city branch of the Association of Arbitration Courts of Uzbekistan – Abrurahmonov Ulugbek Kushmatovich
68. Tashkent sports club for children and adults with disabilities – Zukhurova Muattar Kabirovna
69. Eco-resource center “EKOMAKTAV” – Shivaldova Natalya Sergeevna
70. Society of the Hearing Impaired of Uzbekistan Tashkent regional branch – Makhkamova Gulnora Abdunazarova
71. Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights of the City of Tashkent – Abdukayumov Bakhodir Abdurakhimovich
72. Public association of disabled people “Sharoit Plus” – Rakhimova Mukhabbat Akhrorovna
73. Non-governmental non-profit organization “Qalb ecologiyasi-Ecology of the soul” – Suvonov Eshdavlat Salimovich
74. Tashkent city Shaykhontohur district branch of the Republican center of spirituality and enlightenment – Alibaeva Nilufar Abiddinovna
75. “NAFOSAT” educational and practical center for women and teenagers – Matyakubova Noila Ispanovna
76. Tashkent city center for assistance to disabled children “UMIDVORLIK” – Teperina Marina Nikolaevna
77. Tashkent city society for the protection of nature “Indigo” – Volkov Pavel Vsevolodovich
78. Tashkent city ensemble “Youth of Uzbekistan” – Ruzibaeva Ludfiya
79. Tashkent city branch of the Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan “Tadbirkor aiyol” – Tashmuhammedova Dilafruz Ibragimovna
80. Public fund for support of civil society institutions and non-governmental non-profit organizations under the Tashkent City Council of People’s Deputies – Kuchkarova Khayotkhon Aliyevna
81. Tashkent city organization “Vatanparvar”, supporting the defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Alimkhodjaev Farkhod Makhmudkhodjaevich
82. Public Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Living Nature”, Tashkent city branch – Azizov Shadiyar Validzhanovich
83. Public association “Association of Teachers”, Tashkent city branch – Shaislamova Kunduz Shanazarovna
84. Roerich Society of Tashkent – Monasypova Nadzhiya Raufovna
85. Tashkent city branch of the International Charitable Foundation for Ecology and Health “Ecosan” – Umarkhodjaeva Shakhnoza Makhsudovna
86. Tashkent city branch of the Republican information and educational center “INTILISH” – Sharmetova Sayokhat Yuldashbekovna
87. Tashkent city branch of the Association “KI DO” (martial arts “Hap Ki Do”) – Makhkamov Farkhod Minovarshoevich
88. Tashkent city society for social mutual assistance of disabled people “Mehribonlik” – Zokirov Farhod Murodzhon ogli
89. Sports club “TDIU” of Tashkent State Economic University of the Student Sports Association of Uzbekistan – Tangriev Abdukarim Tovoshevich
90. Tashkent branch of the visually impaired society of Uzbekistan – Toshkhodjaeva Ulmas Khozhabarovna
91. Center of beading “Tumor” – Dzhuraeva Sayora Baratalievna
92. Tashkent city public association “Association of appraisal organizations” – Sadikova Nozimakhon Omonullokhonovna
93. Tashkent city branch of the Association of microdistricts of Uzbekistan – Makhmudkhuzhaev Furqat Sidiqkhuzhaevich
94. Support of civil initiatives Tashkent city branch of the center – Normamatova Nodira Salomatovna
95. Tashkent city non-governmental non-profit organization Ensemble “Youth of Uzbegim” – Ruzibaeva Ludfiya
96. Uzbekistan Charity Public Fund “Mahalla”, Tashkent city branch – Karimov Sokijon Alimjanovich
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