Nocturnal conversation: Matan Kahana with a special request from Rabbi Druckman

by time news

The conversion law of the Minister of Religions, Matan Kahana, continues to move forward, and at the same time the chief rabbis of Israel are intensifying their opposition to the outline. After attacking the minister’s law earlier this week, Kahana spoke last night with Rabbi Chaim Druckman to help him regarding the chief rabbis.

The request of Matan Kahana

Kippa learned that in a conversation that took place last night, the Minister of Religions asked Rabbi Druckman for help in bringing the chief rabbis to a joint dialogue. Rabbi Druckman congratulated Minister Kahana on his actions. This coming Sunday, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation will hold another discussion on Kahana’s conversion law. The purpose of the discussion is to approve the budgetary sources.

The conversion law is in the nature of ‘immigrant fraud’

Recall that earlier this week the chief rabbis sent a letter to committee members calling on them to prevent the move. “We have heard that the Israeli government is about to discuss the bill on ‘establishing a resolution for the establishment of local conversion centers.’ With officials in the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and contrary to its position, “wrote Rabbis Yitzhak Yosef and David Lau.

“This law is in the nature of ‘immigrant fraud’, because whoever goes through this procedure will not be considered a resident of justice by a majority and a majority of the rabbis and judges of Israel,” the two chief rabbis clarified, noting that ” The rabbis and judges of Israel agreed with a committee that they would not recognize conversions that would be made without the approval of the chief rabbis of Israel. ”

(Kahana explains the conversion reform).

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