Heightened Tensions at Esfigmenou Monastery: Police Prepare for Massive Eviction Operation

by time news

The 118 old-calendar monks of the Monastery are on alert – Since 2002, the old brotherhood has been declared “illegal” and – to this day – the monks of the Esfigmenou Monastery are labeled as “occupiers.”

There is great unrest since yesterday at the Esfigmenou Monastery on Mount Athos, as the Greek Police are preparing for a large-scale eviction operation in the grounds of Athos.

The document was submitted to the Monastery by a court bailiff, and since then the 118 old-calendar monks of the Monastery have been on “alert.” In fact, supporters of the Holy Monastery gathered in Ouranoupoli and even collected food for the monks in case of emergency.

In the document from the Karyes Police Station – the Greek Police request permission from the Holy Administration to commence a large-scale operation with the assistance of strong police forces and heavy vehicles.

It is noted that the document was sent both to the Holy Administration and the Holy Community, as well as to all monasteries. However, it does not state how many police officers will enter, what kind of heavy vehicles will be transported, and – most importantly – when this will happen.

The monks of the Esfigmenou Monastery have maintained a hard stance against the leadership of Orthodoxy since 1972 and severed all ties with the Ecumenical Patriarchate, disagreeing over meetings with representatives of the Roman Catholic Church.

Since 2002, the old brotherhood has been declared “illegal” and – to this day – for the Greek justice system, the monks of the Esfigmenou Monastery are characterized as “occupiers” and have been asked to leave the Monastery.

At the same time, they have been excluded from state and European resources, while the Council of State has officially recognized the new brotherhood of Esfigmenou, which is based in Karyes, as legal for almost 20 years, stripping the old members of any rights or privileges.

Moreover, both in 2006 and 2013, Mount Athos was marred by images of extensive incidents and tensions with police forces.

“We will defend the monastery to the death”

Father Methodios – one of those convicted for the extensive incidents of 2013 – stated to ThessToday.gr that in the event of a police operation, the monks will not sit idly by.

“We are ready to defend the monastery to the death; here is our spiritual homeland. We were born spiritually here, and here we will die. The police are just employees; I don’t blame them. They are obligated to do what they are told. And they are hunting us,” he said.

According to Father Methodios, “if the Fathers of the Monasteries and the police come here for the Greeks to fight the Greek monks, let them take it out of their penance. Let them come. And whatever happens, let it happen. If the police drag me and pull me, will the monks sit with their hands tied? Or if some officer sees a monk being struck, will the Fathers just watch? Crimes will happen, which these monks who have no intention provoke.”

Unrest and questions in the Monasteries

As reported by voria.gr, the issue is expected to be discussed out of order at today’s session of the Holy Community, yet no one knows which evictions are being referred to.

“The publication of the document caused unrest and fueled scenarios mainly outside the monastic state,” said Athonite monks.

They emphasized that “a police operation, even if it concerns Mount Athos, should not be publicized, especially in this way, as it provokes reactions. We do not know which evictions it refers to, and the letter is quite vague regarding the timing and number of police officers and vehicles that will enter.”


Source: skai.gr

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