Martial law in Ukraine: what does it mean?

by time news

Russian invasion: Zelensky’s harsh reaction

Following the Russian invasion, the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated the martial law, urging citizens not to panic and to stay at home. Martial law is in effect from 5.00 am on February 24, 2022, for a period of 30 days. The same measure, again for 30 days, was taken in 2018, in response to the seizure by Russia of three Ukrainian navy ships in the Kerch Strait, between the Azov and Black Seas.

What is martial law and what does it provide?

Martial law is an extraordinary system of government, with a series of regulations that are introduced in a particular country in the event of war or, less frequently, due to natural disasters, attacks or other particularly serious events. In the period in question, martial law replaces ordinary laws, which are suspended, and control of the normal administration of justice, which passes to military courts. In Ukraine, martial law will last 30 days and can be extended for another 30 if necessary. Restrictions on means of transport, a ban on strike and additional protective measures have been introduced for critical infrastructures, such as airports, ports, railway stations and roads of strategic importance. The Ukrainian authorities will also be able to decide whether to introduce a curfew or other restrictions.

Ukraine-Russia crisis: updates today 24 February 2022: the attack has begun

In Zelensky’s decree we read that the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens can be temporarily limited, as well as temporary restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of legal persons can be introduced. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine must immediately put in place a plan to implement and secure the measures of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, to provide adequate funding. Regional governments, Kyiv city-states and local self-government bodies should establish defense councils and assist the military command in introducing and implementing martial law regime measures. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must inform the Secretary General of the United Nations and foreign officials on restrictions on human and civil rights and freedoms, which is a deviation from the commitments under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and on the extent of such deviations and the reasons for such a decision.

Zelensky: “We will give weapons to whoever wants them”

“The future of all the people of Ukraine depends on each of its citizens”. The Ukrainian president said so Volodymyr Zelensky addressing the nation. ” We will give weapons to anyone who wants to defend the country. Be ready to support Ukraine in the squares of our cities, ” she added. ” Each volunteer will be able to have weapons, all those who have experience in fighting must go to the corresponding centers. The interior ministry is calling veterans to defend the country, ” she added.

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