Museum “L’apotheque” in St. Pauli exhibits historical sex toys

by time news

WITHBetween the brown and white apothecary bottles lay-on vibrators in the shape of a rubber duck, Japanese braided cock rings and the first version of the “Womanizer” are lined up. The name L’apotheque and the antique wooden furniture suggest that medicines were sold in the 35 square meter room just a few years ago. Today the windows are adorned with teal tinsel and pink curtains. The remaining bottles are empty and only there for decoration – and the former cult pharmacy in St. Pauli has become Germany’s first museum for historical and unusual sex toys.

It is run by Anna Genger. She was born in 1978 and grew up in St. Pauli – just a few streets away from the Reeperbahn, in her mother’s pharmacy. Immediately after graduating from high school, she went to London to study. As an artist, she lived in New York, Paris, Scotland and finally in Berlin – and actually had no intention of ever moving back to Hamburg.

Until a phone call in September 2018 upset their plans. “An employee from the pharmacy called me crying and said Muddi couldn’t do it anymore, I had to come here.” The 83-year-old pharmacist had to have an operation on her hip. At first Genger wanted to sell the shop, but then it became clear that she could take over the care of her mother and not return to Berlin – and kept the business.

Today, in addition to apothecary bottles, there are sex toys of all kinds on the shelves.

Image: Lucas Wahl

It was clear from the outset that the pharmacy in Genger’s hands would have very little to do with pharmacy. “Actually, a collective studio was to be created here, and the sales room of the pharmacy was to serve as an exhibition room.” To the rear there are other rooms, but they are in need of renovation. The building dates from 1799 and is now a listed building. Only the almost 35 square meters in front can really be used as an exhibition. “In December 2019 I was standing here with my current business partner, one thing led to another and the idea was clear: a museum for historical and unusual sex toys.”

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