Artificial intelligence is expanding the horizons of phone scammers. How not to get caught? 2024-07-26 12:57:46

by time news

The first associations with the word “artificial intelligence” can be very different – in the range from a fantastic technological breakthrough to apocalyptic scenes of a world overrun by a neural network. While the debate about the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI) continues, its potential is increasingly being used in many fields. Unfortunately, crooks also actively use the opportunities provided by the latest technology. About how AI expands the horizons of fraudsters and what you should know to avoid falling into their trap, says Santa Shekava, Senior Fraud Risk Prevention Specialist at Swedbank.

The expert emphasizes that strong activity and “success” of fraudsters can currently be observed in communication by telephone, calling and sending text messages or e-mails. Both the number of fraud attempts and the amount of stolen funds are increasing every year, because thanks to technology, it is becoming more and more difficult to recognize an offer made by fraudsters or a message sent from a genuine one. In total, in the five months of this year, telephone fraudsters managed to defraud almost 5.2 million euros from citizens’ wallets, which is almost as much as during the whole of last year, when 5.8 million euros were defrauded.

Promoting citizens’ awareness and safe handling of personal data, the “Met nost!” campaign will take place in July. The organizers of the campaign “Mastercard” in cooperation with the Financial Industry Association (FNA) and Latvian banks invite citizens to behave in a seemingly indecent manner during a telephone conversation – to hang up or end the conversation. This is the most effective way to fight a potential phone scammer, not only now, but also in the future, when fraudsters will have even more technological capabilities provided by AI.

In what cases should you be extra vigilant and immediately hang up the phone?

Fraudsters have learned the national language well

As the “Swedbank” specialist emphasizes, until recently one of the surest signs to recognize frauds was grammatically incorrect texts or conversation in Russian. Currently, with the help of AI translation tools, criminals are able to provide high-quality texts and can communicate in many languages: «Well-formulated messages – almost without mistakes and failed statements – raise less suspicion and make people believe what is said or written more quickly. Therefore, the recommendation to pay attention to the language of communication no longer guarantees safety. In order to recognize fraudulent attempts, critical thinking and checking the information provided is essential,” says Santa Shekava.

Scammers invite you to install apps while taking control of your phone

Scammers often ask for apps to be installed on your phone or computer, claiming they are dual security programs or a secure communication platform. In fact, installing various apps is a way for fraudsters not only to gain remote access to a person’s data, but to take complete control of the phone, blocking the owner’s ability to take action, such as canceling a transaction or calling the bank or the police. Fraudsters often use remote access programs or ask to share the contents of the screen, so the expert advises to ignore calls from strangers to install any unknown programs – this is a clear signal of fraudulent behavior and the safest thing to do in such cases is to stop communication.

QR codes are actively used by fraudsters

Phishing is a fraud scheme using square codes, or QR codes, which have been boosted by the pandemic. Currently, QR codes are widely used in our daily life, quickly and conveniently redirecting to a specific website, validating tickets in public transport or paying for parking.

“Such prevalence and the trust of citizens open the possibility for fraudsters to direct users of the QR code to fake websites that have been created for the purpose of fraud. Therefore, the main recommendation when scanning a QR code is to carefully check to which website this code will direct you. At the slightest shadow of doubt, it is better to refuse further action, especially if you are asked to enter your bank details or other personal information. On the other hand, if you receive an e-mail with a link and a request to enter your data, then it is better to use the official website of the institution, rather than the link received in the e-mail,” the expert urges.

Fraudsters can even pretend to be loved ones

Phone scammers keep a close eye on the situation and use the established tactic as long as it works and bears fruit. For example, calls and text messages on behalf of the police, government authorities, bank employees or even fake children are still very popular today. Often the number of the received text message can look as if it is already saved in the phone with the words “daughter”, “son”, “bank”, etc.

However, the more information about such cases of fraud comes to the attention of citizens, the fewer people fall for these tricks. Therefore, it’s only a matter of time when fraudsters will have to look for new techniques to “cheat” their victims. “The latest technologies allow creating both fake videos and imitating a voice, convincing the recipient of the call that he is speaking, for example, with a relative or a friend. Such cases have not yet been recorded in Latvia, but there are already examples abroad deepfake (deep forgery – ed.) technologies are used in financial fraud schemes,” says Santa Shekava.

The expert admits that the latest technologies contribute to the development of fraud schemes, but each of us has the opportunity to protect ourselves by keeping in mind three specific steps that will help us keep a cool head when dealing with a suspicious caller and not fall for the scammers’ promises:

STOP! Do not succumb to haste, aggression or promises of callers. The fraudster deliberately provides false information and rushes to make a decision, so before parting with money or providing the required information, pause – panic and haste are bad allies in these moments.

ESTIMATE! Always be critical of the situation and the unknown caller – asking to call back later or end the conversation is normal. Only scammers will make you feel uncomfortable about clarifications, questions or refusal, so such a conversation should be safely stopped.

WITH NOST! Hanging up or hanging up is actually the most effective and easiest way to deal with a potential phone scammer. Later, you can check the information without haste and make a balanced decision, including by contacting the institution whose representative the caller pretends to be, in order to make sure of the truth of the information.

In case, however, you have had to submit to pressure and you allow the possibility that you have disclosed your Internet banking data to a telephone fraudster, immediately contact the bank and report the case of fraud to the State Police.

Lauma Brewer,

Communication specialist of the Financial Industry Association

2024-07-26 12:57:46

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