Rosselkhozbank commented on US sanctions

by time news

The imposed sanctions will not affect the work of Rosselkhozbank. This was stated in the press service of the credit institution.

The company noted that the bank has created “the necessary conditions to ensure uninterrupted operation” and is now operating normally. “All transactions for payments, transfers, loans, deposits and other products for individuals and legal entities will be carried out as usual, there are no changes in the work of bank branches and the self-service network,” the message says.

All clients of the bank can use the services both in Russia and abroad. There are no restrictions on currency transactions (both cash and non-cash), the bank added. The press service of the company recalled that the main priority of Rosselkhozbank is to support the agro-industrial complex and the development of rural areas. “All the bank’s projects and resources aimed at providing these areas are concentrated within Russia,” the credit organization stressed.

Earlier, the United States included the bank in the sanctions list, within the framework of which they introduced restrictions on raising borrowed funds and placing shares. In addition to Rosselkhozbank, the list includes 12 more Russian companies.

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