2024-08-01 12:00:33
The head of the Voice of the People Party, Fathi Al-Shabli, announced the formation of a team of specialists from the Libyan Parties Gathering and the Libyan Coalition of Political, Professional and Social Forces to search the United Nations records for who might be most qualified for the position of UN envoy to Libya.
Al-Shabli said in a statement to “Ain Libya” that this comes in an attempt to change the mechanism for selecting the heads of the UN mission to Libya, which was followed by the Secretary-General and the Security Council, and after the last meeting of the Group of Seven, in which the Secretary-General of the United Nations was authorized to select the new envoy to Libya.
He pointed out that the names of three figures were circulated: a German, an Algerian, and a Mauritanian. He said: “When we return to their political history, we find that they do not differ at all from those who preceded them.”
Al-Shabli noted that the team found that Dr. Tariq Ibrahim Hassan Kurdi was the most suitable, worthy and closest person, due to his international experience in resolving disputes and the integrity and cleanliness that characterized his entire tenure at the United Nations.
He added: “In an unprecedented move in the history of the United Nations, the team decided to convince the Secretary-General of the United Nations that the Libyan people have the right to choose the envoy they see as the closest and most worthy of them, as Dr. Tariq Ibrahim Hassan Kurdi was recommended in letters sent to the Secretary-General from more than 40 parties, social components, women’s and youth associations.”
Al-Shabli concluded his statement by saying: “Now the Secretary-General has no choice but to quickly issue a decision to assign Dr. Tariq Ibrahim Hassan Kurdi. We understand that most of the United Nations agencies are on annual leave, but we demand that the Secretary-General assume his responsibility and respect the will of the Libyan people in quickly issuing the required assignment.”
It is noteworthy that Tariq Ibrahim Hassan Kurdi is a Sudanese national and a UN expert in humanitarian and international affairs. He was born in the city of Al-Qadarif in 1959. He received his primary and secondary education there, then studied business administration at Somerset University in the United States, obtained a doctorate degree, and joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. He worked in several stations, then was transferred to the headquarters of the High Commissioner in the Swiss city of Geneva, and was assigned to be the United Nations Ambassador for Refugees in Iraq. Syria, and he had the honor of addressing the Iraqi Parliament, and he was appointed as an ambassador for world peace for the Dutch International Organization for Freedom, Protection of Human Rights and World Peace.
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2024-08-01 12:00:33