2024-08-01 20:41:16
MEDZ, which was created in 2002 to support the State in its tourism strategy, has rapidly developed expertise and know-how to become today the leader in Morocco in the development and management of industrial and offshoring business parks, the company said in a press release.
In 20 years, it has gone from a single-project company created for the development of a tourist area to a company benefiting from a portfolio of 25 industrial, offshoring and tourist zones spread throughout Morocco and which supports several sectoral strategies (Industrial Acceleration Plan, Génération Green, Halieutis, National Strategy in the field of renewable energies, National Digital Strategy), the territorial development operator said.
In addition to the 2,000 hectares developed at its business parks, MEDZ also has to its credit the development of 400,000 m² of office spaces dedicated to rental, which have contributed to making Morocco a destination positioned on the radar of the offshoring market and where large, renowned multinationals are now established.
Among the flagship projects carried out by MEDZ, the press release adds, are Casanearshore and Technopolis at the offshoring level as well as Atlantic Free Zone, MidParc, Agropolis, Parc de Jorf Lasfar, Technopole d’Oujda, etc., at the industry level, which have been able to develop good visibility and attract operators of different nationalities, with significant impacts in terms of jobs.
After 20 years of activity, MEDZ welcomes around 500 national and international clients located in all of its zones, who currently employ more than 110,000 employees.
Regarding these 20 years, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MEDZ, Mohssine Semmar, quoted in the press release, declared that “we take this opportunity to warmly thank all of our stakeholders, with whom we are proud to have collectively contributed to making MEDZ a beautiful structure supporting the economic and social development of Morocco. We have traveled together a rich and intense path, with tangible achievements that have enabled the creation of wealth and jobs in the kingdom”.
“A big thank you therefore to all our institutional and territorial partners, who have always mobilized alongside us, to the CDG Group for its constant support and assistance, to our customers who place their trust in us and of course to our employees who work daily for the success of our mission,” he said.
And to add that “we will continue to invest fully to consolidate the position of MEDZ as a supporter of the equitable and prosperous development of the territories, with the establishment of modern, efficient and competitive infrastructures, while respecting the principles of sustainable development”.
Indeed, MEDZ has thus included sustainable development in its strategic orientations and has already launched several structuring projects. Among the key actions carried out by MEDZ, there is the construction of a solar farm in Atlantic Free Zone to supply factories with green energy, the launch within Casanearshore of positive energy and low carbon buildings, which have obtained a triple certificate/labeling (HQE, BBCA, Ready to Osmoz), a first in Morocco.
MEDZ also highlighted its obtaining of a first HQE Aménagement certification for the “MidParc Tranche IV” project, issued by CERWAY, and the successful completion of the ISO 14001 certification renewal audit carried out in 2022. This audit confirmed the maturity of its environmental management system and highlighted many strengths such as the integration of the sustainable development approach in the creation of activity zones and the implementation of environmental performance monitoring systems across the entire value chain.
“So many examples of achievements that reinforce our desire to be part of a virtuous approach to sustainable development. In the future, we want to accelerate the pace, so that this ambition becomes an integral part of MEDZ’s DNA,” concluded Mr. Semmar.
2024-08-01 20:41:16