2024-08-02 12:28:35
During the week of July 8-14, the Plenary of the National Assembly will hold five sessions, through which it will receive the Minister of Health and President of the Board of Directors of the IESS, who will report on the agreements reached with SOLCA. In addition, they will continue with the second debate on the draft Organic Law for the Implementation of the Popular Consultation and Referendum of April 21, 2024.
On the same day, in session 942, they will hear the recommendation of the Oversight Committee to file the impeachment proceedings against Wilman Terán and Ruth Barreno, former president and former member of the Judicial Council (CJ), respectively; it will also give way to the impeachment proceedings against former member Xavier Muñoz.
It also provides for the first debate on the draft Organic Law for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Older Adults, and to appoint Roberto José Romero as Superintendent of Banks, in accordance with the designation made by the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS), among other issues.
Meanwhile, the permanent and occasional commissions will continue their work focused on the processing of bills; the dissemination of legal initiatives; and the systematization of observations and suggestions to prepare reports for the first or second debate. They will also resume social control and oversight actions; and will receive authorities, groups, experts, organizations and representatives of citizens on issues of national, regional and local importance.
Plenary work
On Monday, July 8, the Plenary will work in double shifts. Starting at 08:00, it will resume session 939 with the appearance of the Minister of Health and President of the Board of Directors of the IESS, to explain the agreements with SOLCA for the provision of services to cancer patients.
They will then continue with the second debate on the draft Organic Law for the Implementation of the Popular Consultation and Referendum of April 21, 2024, based on the final text for voting approved by the Occasional Commission, by which the texts of the report for second debate are maintained and only in article 7 of the project, which replaces article 260 of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP), the prison sentences related to the illicit activity of mining resources are increased.
Later, in session 942 convened for 09:00, the Plenary will decide on the report of the Oversight and Political Control Commission, which recommends the filing of the impeachment against Wilman Terán and Ruth Barreno, former president and former member of the CJ, in accordance with numeral 1 of article 83 of the Organic Law of the Legislative Function.
The legislators will then proceed with the impeachment trial against Xavier Muñoz, former member of the CJ, about whom the Oversight Commission did find factual and legal elements establishing that the accused politically failed to comply with the functions derived from his position, in accordance with article 131 of the Constitution. Specifically, he would have failed to comply with the functions determined in article 255, numeral 3, of the Organic Code of the Judicial Function, regarding the transparency and publicity of administrative procedures and disciplinary summaries.
On Tuesday, July 9, legislators will hold three sessions. From 9:30 a.m., session 928 will be reinstated, in which the Plenary will proceed with the first debate on the draft Organic Law for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Older Adults, based on the report of the Commission on Constitutional Guarantees, Human Rights, Collective Rights and Interculturality, an organization that recommends its archiving because this regulation could affect the right to legal security, established in article 82 of the Constitution.
Later, from 10:00 a.m., session 940 will be resumed, with the purpose of appointing Roberto José Romero as Superintendent of Banks, who was appointed by the CPCCS, in compliance with the process established in the Constitution and the Law.
The third day, corresponding to session 943, will begin at 10:30 a.m., where the Plenary will review the oversight report on the creation of the Public Universities of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas and Galápagos, as well as four Amazonian provinces, prepared by the Education Commission. The commission recommends maintaining inter-institutional coordination at the technical table with the participation of SENESCYT, the CTEA Planning Council and its Technical Secretariat, delegates from the CES; and the Ministry of Finance. To this end, it considers it necessary to appoint the delegate of the National Assembly, as indicated by the Twentieth Transitory Provision of the Organic Law of the Amazonian Special Territorial District.
The Assembly will then process the Protocol of Amendment to the Marrakech Agreement on the Inclusion of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. The report of the Committee on International Relations and Human Mobility recommends that the Plenary approve this instrument, since it represents a significant step towards optimizing the rights of nature and animals contemplated in the Constitution of the Republic and contributes to protecting the environment through sustainable fishing.
The fourth item on the agenda includes the report on the verification process on compliance with the Evaluation process of the Comprehensive Organic Law to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women, approved by the Justice Commission, which, among other aspects, establishes that the Ministry of Women and Human Rights has not satisfactorily fulfilled its role as coordinator of the Comprehensive National System to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women, which has prevented coordinated action by the institutions that comprise it. Therefore, the efforts of each entity, which there were, were isolated and lacked the comprehensiveness that the law on the subject has sought to provide to address this phenomenon.
Next week, the Justice and State Structure Commission will continue with the processing of the Bill for the Compliance of the Popular Will expressed in the Popular Consultation and Referendum of April 21, 2024 regarding the prohibition of International Arbitration, as well as the analysis of the bill that reforms several laws for the Effective Decentralization of the State.
The agenda of the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Commission includes reviewing the request for an extension for the submission of the report on the draft Environmental Organic Code. It will also establish the work schedule in the field to determine the substantive issues that will be submitted to pre-legislative consultation, within the framework of the reforms to the Mining Law and the Water Resources Law.
Meanwhile, the Oversight and Political Control Board will begin its investigation on Tuesday, July 9, starting at 4:00 p.m. into the alleged acts of corruption that would involve Banco del Pacífico. To this end, it summoned the President of the Board of Directors and the Executive President of said entity; the Superintendent of Banks and Insurance; the General Manager in charge of the National Financial Corporation; and the General Director of the Financial and Economic Analysis Unit (UAFE).
For its part, the Committee on Autonomous Governments will continue to discuss the draft Law for the Creation of the Sevilla Don Bosco canton, in the province of Morona Santiago.
Over the course of the next week, the Economic Regime Commission will collect all the concerns of the members of the legislative body in a single bank of questions, with the aim of developing oversight processes for different public institutions.