Pedaling Toward Inclusion: NAV’s Partnership with Arctic Race of Norway Aims to Bridge Workforce Gaps in Northern Norway

by time news

Written by Project Manager NAV and Arctic Race of Norway, Alexander Os, Director NAV Troms and Finnmark Kristin Røymo, and Director NAV Nordland, Cathrine Stavnes

In 2020, NAV Nordland and NAV Troms and Finnmark became community partners with the cycling event Arctic Race of Norway. As a partner to a sports event, the labor and welfare administration gains new opportunities.

Our social mission is connected to the labor market’s need for workers, and the individual’s need for security and support from the community. Not everyone can manage job transitions, qualifications, and adjustments to the labor market on their own. Likewise, employers can receive help and support from NAV when they need new labor, or have employees requiring qualification or adaptation.

Setting up a stand

Through the partnership with Arctic Race of Norway, we meet residents and businesses throughout the region. Just as NAV is present in small and large municipalities across Northern Norway, Arctic Race of Norway moves from town to village, along narrow and wide roads, from the southernmost part of Nordland to the northernmost and easternmost parts of Finnmark. This year’s race course spans Bodø, Indre Salten, and Sør-Salten. Both residents and employers will encounter NAV where the race is held. Not by phone, not at the office, not in meetings behind closed doors, but at a stand. Here, guidance from local offices, advisors from the aids central, the labor center, and the contact center will be present.

Arctic Race likes to say about itself that it is more than just a cycling race. We use their vision of the region to showcase the breadth of our services. We will meet employers and job seekers in an open landscape and ensure that we create more meeting places. Why is this so important? There is no doubt that collaboration with individuals, with businesses, and with educational institutions must increase. The labor market is undergoing significant change; the need for new skills and more workers is growing, and the demographic changes in our region amplify the needs to lift together.

The labor market needs competence – and more need access to the labor market

In Nordland, Troms, and Finnmark, we have had low unemployment for a long time while also experiencing high levels of exclusion. There is a serious lack of competence in several critical industries, and we must think innovatively about how we can include more in the labor market. Together with companies, we must facilitate that employees with health challenges can continue in their jobs without becoming long-term sick or disabled. This requires comprehensive and coordinated services from us at NAV, both for employers and for individuals.

This year’s company survey shows that more than 3000 more could have gotten jobs in Nordland if they had the right skills. Altogether in Nordland, Troms, and Finnmark, we lack more than 6000 workers. While there is a significant labor shortage, our company survey shows that more than half of the businesses are positive towards inclusive recruitment, meaning they have the ability and willingness to hire someone who needs extra support, skills development, or adaptation. We have many good examples of businesses and job seekers finding each other, and then starting apprenticeship tracks, completing other education, or qualifying closely aligned with what the business needs.

Many paths and opportunities

Intensified efforts in the work of recruitment and inclusion are especially important when Norway and Europe also lack labor. The exchange rate makes it less attractive for labor migrants to come to Norway for work. At the same time, we have received more residents due to the war in Ukraine, and an increasing number of Ukrainian refugees are entering the labor market after completing introductory programs and language training. In this situation, it is especially important that we provide all residents with the opportunity to find a job or continue in their jobs.

NAV has a special responsibility for young people under 30 years old who have not completed upper secondary education or found a job. Here, upper secondary education is central, and the need for collaboration between NAV, employers, and the county municipality cannot be overstated. There are many paths to new opportunities, and both career centers, follow-up services, action organizers, and not least the health sector, are part of this work. From our side, the youth guarantee is at the forefront, ensuring close follow-up of all under 30 years old.

Arctic Race of Norway 2024

NAV will have a stand with information, competitions, and skilled advisors, both at the start of the stages and at the finish line. Through the caravan that travels ahead of the cycling race, we will have activities along the route.

At the stand, you can learn more about what we at NAV can offer, including how we collaborate with the county municipalities to give more people the opportunity to complete upper secondary education, career guidance, and how we can help those who need extra support.

NAV Troms and Finnmark and NAV Nordland are partners in the work of getting more people into work. Together, we contribute to a more inclusive labor market in Northern Norway. We work across county and municipal borders to ensure that everyone who wants to and is able will have the opportunity to be in work or activity.

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