2024-08-04 09:00:03
A announcement of the results of the first round of legislative elections [le 30 juin], access to the highest right to power through the ballot boxes presented for the first time in our country as a very possible guarantee. A week later and despite the disappointing scores, the National Rally (RN) has been relegated to third place thanks to a Republican front which has been declared as definitively dead.
France has drawn from its history the strengths of a surgery: those of the denial of racism and xenophobia. Indeed, between the two rounds, political leaders and the media seem to remember that the far right is racist and xenophobic, as evidenced by its program, its candidates or the hatred released in words and actions by the prospect of his greatest victory.
The electoral return of this issue – very loaded – helps to show the anger in public shows the injustice of the issues – media, political, intellectual – that occurs more and more loudly since Jean-Marie Le Pen entered the second round of the presidential election in 2002 and, much more, since Marine Le Pen became president of the National Front (FN) in 2011.
These words explain that it is necessary to stop the racist attack of the FN (which became the RN from 2018), since this does not allow its scores to be written and the truth of this racism is questionable as the RN says it change. Republican.
Against scapegoat logic
On the other hand, the Holy Grail should live in the discipline of the system of FN / RN, and in the understanding of the motivations of the voters who are attacked by the social problems of the left – blinded by the anti-racism that leads to work the replacement number the. employed by the immigrant – does not want to settle or does not know how to identify for the great benefit of the ultimate right.
In a more advanced version, avoid becoming a follower. This is how Gérald Darmanin passed the “Immigration” law that he says responds to the concerns of France about immigration. For what purpose? According to [l’institut de sondage] Elabe, between May and November 2023, the percentage of French people who agree with the idea that there are too many immigrants in France jumped by 7 points. This difference is likely to increase the electoral strength of the RN during the European elections , during which the party campaigned while benefiting from the renewal of its scapegoat immigrant ideology by the government itself.
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#ignore #fight #racism #challenge #electoral #powers #scandalous #inappropriate