The Vác Mákvirág became the cake of Hungary this year – Dunakanyar Region 2024-08-02 07:57:01

by time news

The pastry chef of the Édes Vonal confectionery in Vác, Alfréd Kovács Mákvirág, created this poppy-blackcurrant-black sesame creation this year to win the title of Hungary’s cake, and Hungary’s sugar-free cake was created by the pastry chefs of Reök Kézműves Cukrászda and Kávéház in Szeged, Ádám Novák and László Csonka’s raspberry-pistachio Zöld Málna. – became a white chocolate-rosewater creation – it was announced on Thursday at the award ceremony held in the Parliament, where this year’s St. Stephen’s Day bread was also presented.

Ádám Pataki, a member of the board of the Hungarian Confectionery Association, said that the Mákvirág cake consists of a light, almond-flour, poppy seed sponge cake, soft white chocolate cream, crispy black sesame grillage, and poppy liqueur and blackcurrants also appear in it.

At the competition announced for the 18th time this year, the applicants had to use so-called superfoods, because the organizers wanted to draw attention to Hungarian ingredients with rich contents, highlighted Ádám Pataki.

The second place was the cake called Rigófütty by Sándor Fodor (Habcsók Cukrászda, Budapest), while the third place was the creation called Black Pearl by Ádám Novák and Noémi Domonkos (Reök Kézműves Cukrászda és Cávéház, Szeged).

László Nándori, the president of the jury of Hungary’s sugar-free cake competition, presented the Green raspberry cake and said that pistachio appears in the sponge and in the form of mousse, its sweet taste is complemented by the acidity of the red raspberry jelly, and the rose water makes it special.

The second prize of the competition, organized by the Egy Csepp Figyelem Foundation, with the professional partnership of the Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association, was also the creation of the winners, named Vilmos Fűszeres, while the third place was the creation of Intuíció by László Gyuris and Ferenc Reisinger (Virág Cukrászda és Kávéház, Szeged).

In order to protect the quality of the cakes, the recipes will only be made public this year from the end of the year, until then only members of the industry association can make them.

József Septe, president of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association, presented the award-winning St. Stephen’s Day breads at the event. The winner of the St. Stephen’s Day breads was Balmaz Sütöde Kft.’s Grandfather’s bread with potatoes from Balmazújváros, and in the field of innovative breads, Balmaz Sütöde Kft.’s jalapeño, cheddar cheese, wild sourdough bread also won first place.

In the walking cake category, introduced last year and announced this year in a savory version, Pásztor’s breakfast from Varga Pékség 95 Kft. in Mórahalm – a French croissant filled with sheep’s curd, ham, red onion and colored with Szeged paprika – won first place.

The president of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association said that the bread competition was announced for the 13th time, and this year almost 100 products were nominated in the three categories. This is the highest number of entries of all time, and this year, many young professionals in the baking industry have made their mark among the contestants, he added.

Source: MTI

Photo: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs

2024-08-02 07:57:01

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