In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of February 26: Zelensky hunted by the Russians and abandoned by Europe

by time news

The tears and the outburst

Zelensky fulminates Draghi: “Now I change the agenda of the war to talk to him”

The premier was moved in the Chamber by quoting him, but the Ukrainian president mocked him on Twitter

Italian front

Letta puts on the helmet, Salvini instead “prays”

In the space of a morning, the coordinates of Italian politics are reversed: Enrico Letta wears armor and helmet and asks for military aid to defend Ukraine, Matteo Salvini instead for once shows humanity and compassion by asking for “humanitarian corridors” to welcome “the Ukrainian refugees”. He revolves around these two interventions, apparently opposed, yesterday’s debate […]

Foundation Fq

In Kiev, we are not stopping treatment for children with cancer

Alongside Soleterre: fundraising

The obstacles

More coal? Without gas, there is only a reduction in consumption

The premier and the stop to Russian supplies – Reopening the old power plants is difficult. The gas pipelines are almost saturated and renewables are stopped


“Open, no prosecutors’ offenses: chats acquired lawfully”

Filing for the Florentine magistrates denounced by Renzi requested: “The competent judge must decide on the use of messages”

He virus

The Tar: “Unvaccinated agents are entitled to half their salary”

Rome – Judges confirm the stop for prison guards suspended at zero pay: “It is necessary to balance constitutional values”

Nephew of Santapaola

Removed 41-bis from the boss who killed Fava: “No longer fearful”

“Having revoked the 41-bis maximum security regime from a mafia boss of the rank of Aldo Ercolano, ignoring the contrary indications expressed by the Dda and Dia, represents an assistance to the interests of Cosa Nostra. I hope that the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia will intervene ”. This was stated by Claudio Fava, president of the Sicilian anti-mafia commission and […]


Squares full: the pacifists are back

Throughout Italy – In Bologna and Rome, today rallies in Milan, Florence and Naples

Mission Impossible

Referendum Justice, League and Radicals without money and commercials: the quorum is at risk

“We were wrong not to present the signatures in October, now we are realizing it …”. From the upper floors of via Bellerio the referendum on justice is not only seen as an opportunity to relaunch. Now it is a source of concern. Because, after the admissibility of the Constitutional Court of five out of six questions, Matteo Salvini gave a mandate to […]

The interview

“Theirs is a double war: 25 too serious to leave the department”

Damiano Rizzi, the president of the non-profit organization

“Covid contingent”

“School, 70 thousand risk ending up without a contract”

“On March 31, more than 70,000 people risk no longer having an employment contract”. To launch this alarm is the secretary of the CISL Scuola, Maddalena Gissi. We are talking about teachers, school collaborators and administrative staff defined as “Covid contingent”, people who have been hired to stop the pandemic emergency in the classrooms: in front of the […]


“Running away from the judges is a shame”

Once upon a time – The Democratic Party who helps Matteo, 11 years ago was furious over the attribution conflict of B.

Who is the EU for?

Azerbaijan and the US, not even the LNG can replace Moscow

The market – The world producers of liquid methane do not have enough to sell immediately

“Adjusted budgets”

Credits Mps, the Milan Public Prosecutor raises the bar. Among the new 7 investigated also Morelli and Tononi

The Milanese investigation into 11 billion of impaired loans which, according to the accusation, would not have been correctly accounted for in the accounts of MPS, leaps forward. This can be read in the request for an extension of the investigation received by the investigating judge Guido Salvini. Alessandro Profumo and Fabrizio Viola (who in the branch on derivatives Alexandria and Santorini were […]

Public Prosecutor’s Office of Catanzaro

“Protecting Gratteri, is under attack”: Area invokes the CSM

Open a case to protect Nicola Gratteri and all the prosecutors of Catanzaro. The 5 councilors requested it from the CSM of Area, the progressive current. “For several weeks – reads the request to the Presidential Committee – a daily press campaign has been underway against the magistrates of Catanzaro, who […]

Bari, the trial of B.

Escort, the former Lavitola driver: “Envelopes closed by Grazioli”

“From Palazzo Grazioli I got closed envelopes, A4 format. I think they contained documents: I have never opened them “. This was reported by Rafael Manuel Chavez, former driver and delivery boy of Valter Lavitola, heard yesterday morning in the courtroom as a witness at the trial that sees Silvio Berlusconi in the bar on charges of having paid the entrepreneur Gianpaolo Tarantini to lie […]

The entrepreneur of FFP2

The Supreme Court acquits Ieffi: “It was not disturbing”

Acquitted after two sentences. The Supreme Court has relieved the entrepreneur Antonello Ieffi from the accusations of auction disruption, investigated by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office on a Consip tender of 15.8 million euros for the purchase and supply of 3 million masks never arrived in Italy. The supreme judges have annulled without postponement “why […]

“He promised assignments”

Puglia, another councilor under investigation in the Region

The Councilor for Personnel of the Puglia Region, Giovanni Francesco Stea, is under investigation for concurrence in attempted undue inducement to give or promise benefits, as part of an investigation by the Bari Public Prosecutor’s Office for facts dating back to 2019, when Stea was Councilor for Environment. The investigation relates to ongoing disputes between the Region and a company that dealt with the […]

The senator’s brother

Ostia, the Appeal reduces the sentence to Claudio Cirinnà

The sentence for Claudio Cirinnà was reduced on appeal and his son Riccardo acquitted. The two, brother and nephew of Senator Monica Cirinnà, completely unrelated to the investigation, were among the 28 recipients of the precautionary custody order of July 2020 following the investigation by the DDA of Rome which had dismantled the Sienese family, including the boss […]

The process

Bologna massacre, requested life imprisonment and solitary confinement for Paolo Bellini

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna has asked for a life sentence, with daytime solitary confinement of three years, for Paolo Bellini, accused of being one of the perpetrators of the 1980 massacre at the Bologna station. According to the Pg Nicola Proto and Umberto Palma, there are “probative boulders” against the former terrorist of the national avant-garde. In particular a video, shot there […]

Reggio Calabria

Falcomatà, suspended mayor: appeal against Severino rejected

The civil court of Reggio Calabria has confirmed the suspension of Giuseppe Falcomatà (Pd) as mayor of Reggio Calabria. The judges rejected the appeal filed against the decrees of the prefect who, in November, due to the Severino law had suspended him following the sentence remedied at the end of the “Miramare” trial to one year […]

Conflict in the house

“Go back west.” The tricolor of the Tsar flies over the Donbass

The Eastern Front – “Fuck Moscow”: 13 sailor-heroes die

The “other front”

On the refugee bridge only women and children

Romania – They cross the border, the men stay

The Italian couple

“Here to adopt two girls: the bombs shattered the dream”

There are times when the little story and the big story overlap. For a couple of 50-year-old accountants from central Italy, this coincidence was initially positive to turn in a few hours into a catastrophe that is destroying the dream of a lifetime. For 8 years they have been trying to adopt a couple of […]

Blunt weapons

Sanctions from the EU, but light: no Swift “More are coming”

Powerless Europe – Putin and Lavrov’s foreign assets will be frozen. Russians excluded from Eurovision, Champions final removed


Beijing wants talks to start: “Find an agreement with Kiev”

Maybe Minsk, maybe Warsaw. Before completely interrupting contacts with the Russians, yesterday Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky, had proposed that the peace talks take place in the NATO bastion, in Poland, and not under the aegis of the Belarusian caudillo Aleksandr Lukashenko, as the Kremlin had proposed. To discuss “the status […]

The analysis

A war born of too many lies

The reasons for the conflict – The foreseeable Russian aggression and the blindness of the United States and the European Union. This is why starting to admit our mistakes is the first step in building peace

In the dining room from Thursday

Rock Bat: “Batman”

The version of Dc Comics – One hundred million budget


With “The Legionnaire” the racial conflict is now at home

It is the story of a black cop who has to vacate his building

In the hall

“Belfast”, Branagh’s love letter to his city

The film (nominated for 7 Oscars) is exciting, but fails to transform the memory into a cinematic tale


A successful “inadequate”: Salce

The actor returns with the second part of “Mumble Mumble”: a bitter comedy between love and death

The character

Reporter profession: so Bob Capa became the most incisive war photographer

Robert Capa (1913-1954) lived a reckless life until he stepped on a fatal mine south-east of Hanoi. And to think that when the young Hungarian Endre ErnoőFriedman – this is his real name – moves to Berlin at seventeen to study political science, he does not suspect that he will become the first foreporter […]


The “First Blood” (of dad) does not lie

There is no editorial season without a new gothic comedy by Amélie Nothomb. For exactly thirty years, the Belgian author has been stamping the tag in the bookstore with her peculiar thin volumes, perfect for passing the time on a one-way trip. First Blood, fresh off the press for Voland, also runs along a hundred pages. In […]

In other words

“I always feel pain from within before I write”

Eshkol Nevo – On Monday the Israeli is in Bologna for a “lectio” on hope: “It can be cultivated”

DC (After Christie)

Hispanic trilogy: heroine Scott defeats Russian mobsters on the Costa del Sol

It is a strangely intriguing phenomenon that of Antonia Scott, the hyperintelligent thirty-year-old protagonist of the Hispanic thriller of the moment, Black Wolf by Juan Gómez-Jurado (translated by Elisa Tramontin). The plot is a kind of conspiracy a la Larsson good soul – not surprisingly this is the second volume of a trilogy – but the style, the rhythm […]

The Tasting

The capitalists of the 21st century told in detail, with names and surnames

In times of war it is always useful to stop and look at the deeper dynamics that govern the planet. The “structural” ones, although structural analysis, in the Marxian sense, still precious and ingenious in many of its aspects, does not always and in any case explain everything. But Rugemer’s book makes fun in its description of the map […]

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