In June 2024, compared to May 2024, the seasonally adjusted retail trade volume fell by 0.3% in the euro area and by 0.1% in the EU, according to the first estimates of Eurostatof the statistical office of the European Union.

In May 2024, the volume of retail trade increased by 0.1% in both the euro area and the EU.

In June 2024 compared to June 2023, the calendar-adjusted retail sales index decreased by 0.3% in the euro area and increased by 0.1% in the EU.

By sector in the eurozone

In eurozone in June 2024, compared to May 2024; the volume of retail trade present:

  • reduction for food, drinks, tobacco by 0.7%,
  • reduction for non-food products (except motor fuel) by 0.1%;
  • increase for car fuel in specialist shops by 0.5%.

By sector in the EU

In EUin June 2024, compared to May 2024, the volume of retail trade recorded:

  • reduction for food, drinks, tobacco by 1.0%,
  • remained stable for non-food products (except motor fuel);
  • increase for car fuel in specialist shops by 0.6%.

By member state

Among the Member States for which data are available, the biggest monthly declines in total volume retail trade were recorded in Croatian (-2.7 %), the Austria (-2.3 %), the Latvia and the Lithuania (both -1.7 %). The highest increases were observed in Romania (+ 1.8 %), Bulgaria (+ 1.4 %) and Denmark (+ 1.0 %).


Annual comparison

In eurozone in June 2024, compared to June 2023, the volume of retail trade recorded:

  • reduction for food, drinks, tobacco by 0.7%,
  • increase for non-food products (except motor fuel) by 0.3%;
  • increase for car fuel in specialist shops by 0.3%.

In EUretail trade volume recorded:

  • reduction for food, drinks, tobacco by 0.5%,
  • increase for non-food products (except motor fuel) by 0.7%;
  • increase for car fuel in specialist shops by 0.5%.

Among the Member States for which data are available, the highest annual increases of total retail trade volume were recorded at Romania (+ 10.2 %), at Luxembourg (+ 7.9 %) and in Croatian (+ 5.4 %). The largest decreases were observed in Belgium (-7.3 %), Estonia (-4.1 %) and Austria (-3.9 %).

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