Why did Russian troops seize control of Chernobyl nuclear disaster site

by time news

What is the reason for the Russian army to capture an area that has been uninhabitable by humans for more than thirty years, a part of which is constantly exposed to air and even radiation? This article explains.

Rahel Philipose

Russian troops seize control of Chernobyl nuclear disaster site: After intense but short-lived fighting, Russian troops capture the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in northern Ukraine. This is the site of the worst nuclear disaster in human history. Ukrainian officials say the Russian military has seized a nuclear reactor in Ukraine on the first day of a violent offensive, and held some of its staff hostage.

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This attack was not unexpected in any way. On Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky warned that Russian forces were trying to bring the reactor under control. Ukraine’s foreign minister has warned of another nuclear disaster if Russia continues to intensify its invasion. In 1986, the world was hit by a technological disaster at Chernobyl. He noted that another Chernobyl nuclear explosion in the 80s would occur in 2022 if Russia continued to intensify its invasion. Thousands of people were killed in the accident.

What is the reason for the Russian army to capture an area that has been uninhabitable by humans for more than thirty years, a part of which is constantly exposed to air and even radiation? This article explains.

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Where is the Chernobyl nuclear reactor located?

The reactor is located 16 km from Chernobyl and 100 km from the capital, Kiwil. Researchers conducted a safety survey here on April 25-26, 1986. The fourth reactor at Chernobyl exploded due to a technical glitch at the time. As half of the reactor collapsed, the radioactive material stored there exploded into smoke billowing across Chernobyl.

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The city of Chernobyl is desolate and uninhabitable

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, two workers died in the initial blast, while 28 firefighters and emergency cleaners were exposed to radiation over the next three months. One died of a heart attack. The UN estimates that more than 4,000 people may have died from radiation exposure. The BBC reports that it published an approximate value in 2005. The news says. The impact of this radiation is said to have been felt in neighboring Belarus and Russia, as well as in other parts of Europe.

Asked what the impact of the crash was, he said it was 400 times more radioactive than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Russia initially sought to cover up the disaster. But Russia later agreed to continue warning Swedish authorities about high levels of radiation in Russia. The Soviet Union was dissolved a few years after the accident. Chernobyl is considered one of the most important reasons given for the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Ukraine, which defined the 32 km area around the reactor as an exclusion zone, closed the remaining three reactors in 2000. None of the people live in this area. A barrier wall has been erected around the affected nuclear reactor. However, the level of radiation in the area is still high.

What was the reason for Russia to capture Chernobyl?

This is not an unplanned event. The shortest distance from the Russian border to Kiev passes through Chernobyl. The Ukrainian government sent security forces to the area a month ago.

As soon as Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the invasion, Russian special forces began to seize the plant. The special forces said they had reached Chernobyl on Thursday before Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine. Mikhail Bodolyak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president, said Russian troops had captured Chernobyl after a fierce battle. In a Facebook post, a Ukrainian official said that some key employees of the plant had been taken hostage by Russian soldiers.

It was Russia, not Ukraine, that created this problem

The capture of Chernobyl was the result of an already planned conspiracy. This would allow Russian troops to reach Kiev quickly from Belarus, Russia’s ally. Military analysts say that the capture of Chernobyl by Chernobyl on the way to Kiev will help Russian infantry move forward.

What is the scary factor?

Furnace No. 4 is surrounded by steel and concrete building. Although it is defined as a new defense building, it is believed to have 200 tons of radioactive material underneath the damaged building, even though it has the capacity to withstand a hurricane.

Within hours of the invasion, Ukraine’s nuclear agency reported increasing levels of radiation in the area surrounding the closed nuclear plant, Reuters reported. It is said that the amount of radiation was increased by the dust film formed by bringing logistics through Chernobyl to reach Kiev from Belarus.

According to a report in The Times, soldiers in these areas are less likely to be exposed to radiation if they do not spend more time in the area. The Times reports that if Russian troops inflict any damage on accessible storage facilities, the resulting radiation could be felt not only in Ukraine but also in Belarus, Russia and parts of Europe.

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The new defense wall has been erected to withstand all natural disasters. But even a small bomb in this area during a full-scale war would exacerbate the problem on a global scale. There is no benefit to either country from the demolition of a nuclear reactor that is already in ruins.

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