Shabbat entry and exit times – Parashat Vayakhel

by time news

Parashat Vayakhel is the tenth Parashat Hashavua in the Book of Exodus. According to the division into chapters, it begins in chapter 25, verse one and ends in chapter eight, verse twenty. This affair deals mainly with matters concerning the establishment of the Mishkan. The injunctions for the construction of the Mishkan detailed in the Parshas Teruma and Titzvah come to be carried out in this affair and in the Parsha Pekudi that follows, and in fact these pairs of Parshas repeat with slight changes what is said in the Parshas Teruma and Titzvah. (Wikipedia).

Shabbat entry:
Jerusalem: 16:58
Beitar Illit: 17:08
Netanya: 17:05
Elad: 17:06
Petah Tikva: 16:55
Tel Aviv: 17:13
Haifa: 17:04
Beer Sheva: 17:09
Eilat: 17:16

Shabbat departure:
Jerusalem and Haifa: 18:11
Beitar Illit: 18:11
Elad and Netanya: 18:12
Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv and Beer Sheva: 18:13
Eilat: 18:13
Rabbeinu Tam: 18:50

(Shabbat entry and exit times courtesy of Yeshiva website)

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