Barricades, trenches and Molotov cocktails: Kiev’s “urban war” to resist the Russians. “Off the road signs, let’s confuse them and go straight to hell”

by time news

They dig the trenches and get up barricadesthe beer bottles have become molotov and embrace i rifles. With the state road management body calling on local governments and citizens to remove everyone road signs to disorient the enemy e “Send him straight to hell”. After repelling the first assault, Kiev prepares for the next offensive by Russian troops. THE soldiers next to voluntary militias in defense of the capital, which “we cannot lose” he stressed in the morning Volodymyr Zelensky in one of the last speeches to the nation in which he incited the Ukrainians to defend the city. Invitation replied by the military: “Cut down trees, create barricadesdate fire on tires! Use everything available! “, Wrote the Ukrainian armed forces in a post on Facebook reported by the agency Union.

And even the army then encouraged the population to resist by making incendiary bottles: “The occupiers must understand that they are not welcome here and that they will meet resistence in every street – say the military – May they have fear even just to look at our cities. Together for victory! The occupants will be destroyed “. Already on Friday, the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior had posted instructions to citizens on social media on how to make Molotov cocktails and the Ministry of Defence he called on civilians to resist, asking to “inform about movements of troopsprepare Molotov cocktails and neutralize the enemy “.

According to ministerial sources in Kiev they would have been distributed to volunteers as well 20 thousand riflesmillions of bullets, rocket launcher and grenades. And on social media photos and videos multiply of citizens preparing improvised barricades with wood and tires, hand-dug trenches along the main streets of Kiev, transformed by Vladimir Putin from European capital to theater of war in heart of Europe within a few days. Provoking a probably harsher response than even the Kremlin expected. So far the attacks have been unsuccessful and during the first day of encirclement in the capital, the assaults have failed.

Several videos posted on social media show raiders Russians in civilian clothes which are stopped by police. Perhaps a change of strategy, with the attempt to infiltrate the heart of Kiev with an outpost after the failed landing attempt of about 200 paratroopers in the night between Friday and Saturday. In the past few hours, British media had reported the presence in Ukraine of ‘hunters’ of the Chechen special forceswho would be sent with the task of arresting or killing the highest authorities of the country. The presence of Chechen soldiers was confirmed by Ramzan Kadyrovpolitical and military leader of Chechnya, who however claimed not to have “suffered a single loss”.

Attempts to infiltrate beyond the Ukrainian lines is also confirmed by the mayor of Kiev, the former boxer Vitalii Klitschkowho in announcing the curfew in the city non-stop from 5 pm on Saturday to 8 am on Monday morning – for “a more effective defence of the capital and for the safety of its inhabitants ”- he warned:“ All civilians found on the street will be considered members of the sabotage group of the enemy “. Defense tactics to turn the Russian military escalation into one urban warfare which Ukraine seems to intend to replicate in all strategic cities. Videos and photos of volunteers preparing barricades and Molotov cocktails also arrive from other parts of the country. The last defense is that ordered by the state body for the management of the roads, theUkravtodor: remove and immediately remove all the signs from their areas, first of all those with the names of places. “The enemy – affirms the body on Telegram – cannot orient itself on the basis of the terrain. Let’s help him go straight to hell “.

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