Five Nations Express Concerns over Libyan Military Movements
France, Italy, Germany, Britain, and the United States have expressed concerns about the ongoing military movements in southwestern Libya. In a joint statement on Friday, the five countries stated that such moves carry the risk of escalation and violent confrontation given the ongoing stalemate.
The statement emphasized the need for security forces in the east and west to enhance consultation and cooperation to effectively secure the borders and uphold Libya’s sovereignty.
The European Union echoed these concerns, urging all Libyan actors and armed groups to exercise restraint and immediately de-escalate tensions. The Union called for dialogue to prevent further division and maintain stability and the ceasefire agreement.
The EU also stressed the importance of avoiding the use of force, which it deemed harmful to stability and would result in human suffering.
The United Nations mission also issued a statement calling for self-restraint, urging against any provocative actions, and for communication between Haftar’s forces and the military forces in the west of the country, acknowledging the division within the Libyan army.