The Speaker of the Knesset spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart and expressed his support for the country

by time news

Knesset Speaker MK Miki Levy spoke a few minutes ago with his Ukrainian counterpart, Rada Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk.

The Speaker of the Knesset expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people at this difficult time, shared in the grief of the Ukrainian people for the loss of life caused in recent days and added: “The Russian attack on Ukraine is a blatant violation of international order.”

During their conversation, the Speaker of the Knesset informed that in the coming days a flight is expected to depart from Israel, including a humanitarian shipment to Ukraine, and also expressed his hope for an end to the violence.

Rada Speaker Stepanchuk thanked Knesset Speaker Levy and the people of Israel for their support of Ukraine at this difficult time. He also sought to promote the initiative of a Russian-Ukrainian summit in Israel

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