The dengue vaccine is effective and safe

by time news

The Dengue ⁣Vaccine: Promising Protection and Safety

The⁣ dengue vaccine has proven to be both effective and safe, offering significant protection ​against this​ debilitating disease. Research suggests that ‍the vaccine is more than 50% effective in reducing the risk of contracting dengue, with long-lasting effects.

Strong Evidence ⁢of Efficacy:

  • A ‌meta-analysis of 19 scientific studies encompassing over 20,000 participants​ confirmed the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing dengue.
  • The results showed a reduction in the risk of contracting the disease by more⁢ than 50%.
  • More ‌than 90% of those who ⁢received both doses developed antibodies against dengue, with⁤ positive responses even among those who received only one dose.

High Safety⁢ Profile:

  • The dengue vaccine ‌has a very​ good safety profile, with minimal side effects reported.
  • This is confirmed⁣ by ⁣the first international meta-analysis on the effectiveness of TAK-003, the only vaccine approved in many European countries to‍ combat dengue.

Promising for Travelers and Endemic Areas:

  • The vaccine is⁣ effective not only ‍for residents in endemic areas but also for travelers from non-dangerous regions.
  • This offers⁣ crucial ‌protection for travelers to popular tourist destinations where dengue is prevalent.


The dengue vaccine ⁢is a promising solution for preventing ‍this debilitating disease. ‌With proven efficacy and a safe profile, it offers a crucial ‍preventive strategy for both residents of endemic areas and travelers.

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