Bogor City Announces Temporary Voter List for 2024 Mayoral Election
Friday, August 09, 2024 – 23:48 WIB
The Temporary Voters List (DPS) for the upcoming 2024 Bogor Mayoral Election has been finalized, with a total of 815,988 eligible voters.
According to Ferry Buchori Muslim, Commissioner of Bogor City KPU Data Program Division, the number was determined at an open plenary meeting held at the city level. The meeting was attended by Ummi Wahyuni, Chairperson of the West Java KPU.
The determination of the DPS was a dynamic process, with adjustments made to data at the sub-district and district levels. This included addressing multiple changes in voter records.
The final DPS, after accounting for duplicates, stands at 815,944, a slight decrease from the initial DP4 figure of 818,302.
The process of determining the DPS involved identifying and correcting duplicate voter data. This adherence to the de jure principle ensures the accuracy and integrity of the electoral process.